View Full Version : I can't meditate!

01-05-14, 19:31
I am trying so hard as I see it seems to help a lot of people. My pdoc gave me the phrase "I breathe in peace, I breathe out fear" which I like, but the deep breathing makes me lightheaded and all tingly and then I get all worked up and fidgety.
Does anyone else have this issue? Is it something that takes practice and you get used to it? Am I doing something wrong? I am keeping my hands on my belly to be sure I am taking nice and slow belly breaths.

01-05-14, 20:11
Have you got a meditation cd too? Perhaps some background noise and guidance from a cd would help? I think it does take practise. It's not something that everyone feels the benefit from instantly but it's something you learn to do over a short space of time xx

01-05-14, 20:27
watch some Jon kabat Zinn videos on youtube. There is a beginners CD and a an intermediate. They are very good.

Meditation is allowing everything to be as it is, just watching what is happening.

01-05-14, 20:51
Meditation isn't about breathing deeply all the time. If you're meditating by watching your breathing you just need to breathe normally.

02-05-14, 00:25
Don't confuse meditation and relaxation! First rule of meditation.
Also, if you are getting dizzy, are you breathing too deeply? A breath shouldn't last more than about 7 to 8 seconds in my personal experience. Perhaps you are holding your breath a little too long - or perhaps you're just not used to breathing with your lower belly?
While I'm here please could I ask what a pdoc is? Cheers

02-05-14, 08:15
It sounds more like you are performing a breathing technique, Calming Technique also know as 7/11 breathing maybe.

For meditation as others have said, you breathe normally because you don't want to be focussed on it ask the time. Breathing in meditation is the induction.

When I started, I had a MP3 from my therapist and it would begin with 3 breathing inductions assometimes one works better than another, which can also change over time.

- feel your chest rise and fall with your breathe.
- imagine the air going in and out of your lungs, airways and mouth to be red.
- feel the small muscles between your ribs expanding and contracting.

I did each for a minute or two. The red air was the best for me, but sometimes one of the others worked better.

If I felt myself losing focus, I would use the breathing inductions again and it would bring me back to focus.

Its not easy learning without a guided meditation though. It may not feel like much for a while other than relaxing but that's ok, Mindfulness is a skill so it takes time to learn. Buddhists do it all their lives.

A guided mediation will tell you what to do after the induction phase and how to wind it up.

02-05-14, 18:21
Thank you everyone for your ideas! I'll keep practicing, I have a few CD's so I'll start working with those. I appreciate everyone's help!

oh, and Panchogoz- pdoc is my psychiatrist :)