View Full Version : Panic Attacks. Advice?

01-05-14, 20:07

I'm having panic attacks every other day, it's like a new level of anxiety for me. I'm struggling to know how to deal with them. It all started last Friday when I was having a few drinks with my friend and I started getting heartburn (probably from the alcohol) ..I ignored it and carried on with the night.

The next day I was eating dinner and afterwards my chest felt like it was on fire, the pain was so sharp I've never experienced anything like it before. I rang the out of hours doctors in a panic and they said that its probably indigestion.

I was panicking so much as I literally thought I was having a heart attack. Now every time I have a panic attack my arms feel so heavy and achey and my face goes numb, and one of my pupils dilate.

I know full well its just a huge adrenaline rush but I'm just concerned about the one sided pains on my face and/or the heavy arms and chest, I'm just worried about a heart attack or stroke. In particular the dilated pupil (more than the other symptoms)

Can anyone relate in some way? Or have any coping mechanisms? I'm still waiting to be seen by a therapist so there's no point in going back to doctors, I've also been prescribed prozac but I'm not sure about whether I want to go down that route of taking anti depressants.

Thanks for any feedback x

01-05-14, 20:20
Hi, I was very much the same as you. My symptoms of panic were numb arms, tingly hands, tingly feet..ocasionally numb face (panicking I was having a stroke)

I started having panic attacks as a result of dealing with generalised anxiety for a few months. I was very very stubborn and refused the help of antidepressants initially....but it just made me worse. I'm 15weeks into taking antidepressants now, and have 0 panic attacks, and my anxiety is nearly nearly gone. So all in all...if you need to take them...do it, it won't be forever...it just gets you out of a bad patch :) xx

01-05-14, 21:24
Thank you for replying!

I'm considering it but it just makes me nervous as I took sertraline and citalapram before for a few weeks and they made me so ill but I guess you have to get used to them.

Yeah the stroke thing isn't nice I'm constantly checking my face for any changes, glad to know that its normal with a panic attack though! :)

02-05-14, 12:04
As hard as it is (and I know how hard, I once used to have panic attacks daily) is practising proper breathing and not fearing the symptoms.

The symptoms of a panic attack are as harmless as they come. Yes, the tingling, the breathlessness, the numbness, they all suck. But none of these symptoms will hurt you. It is an overreaction to a fearful situation. This is the fight-or-flight response that you are experiencing, a response that the body produces WILL NOT HARM YOU.

Proper breathing is also very important. If you keep your breathing calm then your body will soon calm as well. Breathe in for 7 seconds, hold for 2, breathe out for 5 and hold again for 2, then start this over again. You can increase or decrease the time on what feels more comfortable. But remember to expand your stomach, rather than your chest, because it promotes good, healthy, deep breathing. In time your heart rate will lower and the symptoms will start to go away.

Those two points were what cured me of panic attacks :)

02-05-14, 21:36

I have been practising deep breathing actually,

I was at work about to have a panic attack and breathing and talking to myself to calm myself down as much as possible, its really difficult but it does work.

I'm just concerned that my symptoms aren't anxiety or panic.

02-05-14, 21:40
The symptoms can feel very dangerous but, believe me, they are not. I've experienced:
- palpitations
- tight chest
- chest pain
- throat-closing sensation
- dizziness
- derealisation and depersonalisation (sp?)
- sharp pain up the neck
- loss of sensation
and lots and lots more!

Just remember that this is the fight-or-flight response (more like 'let's-scare-the-crap-outta-ya!' response) and is completely harmless and safe. Keep with the breathing technique and you'll soon feel the symptoms lessen and go :)

02-05-14, 22:07
Thankyou :)

It's strange to think how intense the symptoms are but are harmless at the same time, doesn't seem real.

Thanks for honest reply x

02-05-14, 22:15
It took me a course of counselling, research and time to learn it myself because, yes, it is hard to imagine! But having had my first panic attack over ten years ago and having hundreds since I'm still kicking.

Take care