View Full Version : Another BP medicine

01-05-14, 20:30
So last week my Dr told me to start taking rampril alongside Amlodopine..In my 24hr BP monitor it was 136/70 which for someone with anxiety is not bad..at this point i was on amlodopine alone.
I'm scared to take both of them together in case I start feeling dizzy or something. I asked to do another monitor but the Dr said there's no point as she doesn't think it would have changed. I take 10mg amlodopine and they've given me 2.5mg rampril.
22 years old this is unheard of! Yeah let's bring it down to genetics....said the hospital.

01-05-14, 20:34
May I ask what are you personally doing to bring the BP down? Do you exercise, eat and sleep right? Do you have a hobby, any friends etc.?

Not that I want to bring your doctor down, but damn, you're 22 years old, and he should not be prescribing BP pills for people that age. Doctors nowadays are WAY too trigger happy when it comes to prescribing unnecessary medication. Or are you facing any other underlying conditions?

01-05-14, 20:34
So what was your BP before you went on the amlodopine

01-05-14, 21:32
Genetics do play a role in what you're experiencing as well as other physical and mental issues. I have heart issues. I also have had high cholesterol and triglycerides most of my life and was that way in my 20's. What's "normal" for me is high for the average person. It's also part of the reason for my heart issues. My mother has the same issues and my father's side has a history of heart disease. All I can do is take the meds as prescribed, eat properly and exercise. The doctors keep an eye on it and I'm still here so there you go. Sometimes it's the hand we're dealt.

Positive thoughts

01-05-14, 23:30
That's it..They never done a 24hr BP monitor before I was put on medication, they just went by reading which I was getting at the hospital. I mean, my Dr was checking my BP for about 2 years and then he made the decision to refer me to the heart institution department where I had countless number of tests and everything came back fine. They were the ones who had the final say in whether I should be put on medication. They said they want my BP under 120 and 80 which is why the addition for this second tablet.

I am a fit heathly 22 year old, never been overweight and have always been very active. I workout at least 4x a week which is why the doctors have bought it down to genetics. Despite the minor setback of having cancer when 16 the Drs are adamant that isn't a contributing factor to my BP. I should also add no one in my family has had high BP at a young age.. always when growing older which is normal. I think my grandma got high BP after her first child in her 20s which I believe to be normal in quite a few women.

---------- Post added at 23:30 ---------- Previous post was at 23:27 ----------

My personal life is amazing..I wouldn't change it for the world, I'm most happiest when I'm around people and friends. But when I take a step back and see myself taking BP medication it does make me sad, knowing there's nothing I can do about it.

01-05-14, 23:55
That's unfortunate. Will you have to take the medication for the rest of your life?

02-05-14, 00:16
Sorry you mean that your BP is 136/70 due to taking the meds so before you started on the meds when Dr was monitering it what was It mostly.

02-05-14, 00:42
I will most likely be on it for the rest of my life.
My BP before meds was around 150/90 it used to vary, but given white coat syndrome and being general anxious it's bound to be up in hospital.

Sometimes it used to be 150 over 97, it used to vary quote a lot. And still does to be honest.

oh no_1
02-05-14, 07:12
i had HBP since i was about 19 and i been on meds years too and i was told by people i know i shouldnt be on meds at such a young age....

02-05-14, 17:26
How old are you now if you don't mind me asking?
And was your brought down to genetics?

Yeah forget people telling me I shouldn't be on meds..when I went to a walk in clinic because I left my tablets away from home the Dr was so shocked I was on medication he said he didn't think I should be on them.