View Full Version : Never done this before.....

01-05-14, 21:35
Currently suffering with terrible anxiety, guess I thought coming on here may make me feel less alone

01-05-14, 21:37
welcome, and hello

We are all here to help and listen.
you will find plenty of good advice on here, and meet people who understand what you are going through xx:welcome:

01-05-14, 21:52
Thank you very much, feeling very scared at the moment but it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one feeling this way

01-05-14, 21:59
Your not the only one Chick. I felt like that a few times. Is is ok.
Would you like to talk? and get you through the feeling?

01-05-14, 22:04
Hi Emmarolo...... Welcome and u will most definitely feel less alone here. Plenty of lovely kind kind and supportive people. :-)

01-05-14, 22:10
Hiya hun,and welcome.