View Full Version : Fatigue, light-headedness, upper back tightness

01-05-14, 22:41
Here I am, after all of these years... After having things under control essentially, for the past week I have felt so very fatigued, so extremely tired, that it is actually a struggle to keep my eyes open. My eyes feel watery and my eyelids feel heavy. I have soreness between my shoulder blades and every so often I feel as if I am just going to pass out. I have a weird sensation in my head that is not quite pain as much as it is a heaviness as well. I feel sometimes that I could just pass out. Honestly, I have found it an act of sheer determination and will today to keep my eyes open and to stay fully alert and awake.

All of this said, these do seem like they MIGHT be anxiety-type issues -- but I don't feel particularly anxious except about these symptoms.

3 questions then: 1) Has anyone else had this particular ensemble of symptoms and if so, for how long? 2) How did you cope/manage this? 3) At which point did you go crawling to a doctor and if so, what did they say?

02-05-14, 08:42
I am very anxuiouse right now but I am a long to e suffer forty yrs but there are times when my life is running OK and I am no stressed or anxious but like you now symptoms do bring bout of anxiety to a point of shear panic to me I did say this along time ago I was not sure if a symptom brought about the attack or having a pani brought on the symptoms pretty sure now though that any kinda bodily sensation I don't like. Does make my anxious so there u go take care x

02-05-14, 09:27
3 questions then: 1) Has anyone else had this particular ensemble of symptoms and if so, for how long? 2) How did you cope/manage this? 3) At which point did you go crawling to a doctor and if so, what did they say?

1) Yes, constantly.

2) You just have to kind of get on with it!

3) They'll say 'yeah, it's probably anxiety'

Seriously though, just use relaxation techniques. Find 10 minutes in the day to sit in a chair with your eyes closed and use deep breathing techniques to relax, and eventually learn to meditate.

Exercise is also one of the best things to do as it releases happy hormones which reduce the tension. Brisk walking is more than enough for this. No need for a gym.

05-05-14, 12:49
3 questions then: 1) Has anyone else had this particular ensemble of symptoms and if so, for how long? 2) How did you cope/manage this? 3) At which point did you go crawling to a doctor and if so, what did they say?

1) About a year now but I haven't really done anything about it. I barely do any exercise which probably doesn't help.

2) It seems to come and go - I try to ignore it to be honest.

3) I'm off to the doctors tomorrow as I am really bad today - worst vertigo I've experienced so far with tense neck, strange tingly feeling at back of head and in my arm.

07-05-14, 15:38
Ive had exactly those symtpoms but ive had them now for 9 months !!!

Some days I feel okayish but I will always have at least 2/3 days a week were I feel like my head feel funny and heavy and my eyes are heavy and it feels like im fighting to stay awake in work, I feel totally exhausted.

I also have jaw ache and teeth ache that comes and goes and this drives me insane, and my upper back in the middle below my neck aches.

Seriously gets me down, im going the docs on Friday to see what they say because its gone on for months and its really affecting my life now.