View Full Version : I'm new and not done this before

01-05-14, 23:03
I suffer anxiety because of stress in my life that is never ending , i know i need to do something about it but fed up of people just telling me to stop worrying all the time and forget things.

02-05-14, 00:52
Ugh, isn't that the worst?! For heaven's sake, if it was going to work simply to tell yourself to "not worry", then are you not bright enough by now to have tried that?? I always think, "okay, well then if you can SEE why it is I shouldn't worry, if you are happy to reassure me, then how about sitting down with me right now and explaining it all to me? No? Then shut up!" Lol!
... Sorry. I went through much the same thing myself, when in fact I genuinely had concerns which were real, if not earth-shattering to my children. I can tell you that the hurt feelings from their response have not gone away. And it always seems dismissive and disdainful when people speak to others like that. I know what it's like to be in their place, my old dad used to worry endlessly about his little dog, his next door neighbours (whom he had got to know very well, all their troubles, etc.), all sorts of things that the rest of the family didn't think bore worrying about. The upshot was, unfortunately, that fewer of us would phone him to chat, and the calls would not go on as long as he might have liked, simply because there was no reassuring him that the dog was not going to be kidnapped, and his neighbour would be okay. But to tell him not to worry would have seemed to me like saying I didn't care about his feelings, which was not true. Why do people seem to think it's their place to tell another person that their feelings are unacceptable?? So glad you have found this caring group. In being "heard" and accepted, it is to be hoped that you will come to feel ready to take stock of things and make the necessary changes in your life. You are worth it, and so are your feelings, hunni! :welcome:

Worried 24/7
02-05-14, 02:42
Hello! I hope you will find this site as helpful as I have! It's nice to have people listen to you who completely understand what you're dealing with.

02-05-14, 08:27
Thank you both, it is really great to know there are people in same position, i know my anxiety is not as bad as some other's is but it is still real for me , i did do a anxiety management course but i really felt like it was not the right thing for me, i will find a way somehow.

02-05-14, 11:17
Thanks :)

02-05-14, 12:17
I'm going through exactly the same thing as you, I'm at rock bottom. Just keep trying to tell myself it will get better

02-05-14, 13:01
Welcome "new" people.... this is a great site ...the best place to start is on the left of this page... read particularly the "symptoms" section and how you con do things to help yourself....:D


02-05-14, 15:30
I used Citalopram for a while , i was advised half a tablet a day because i was concerned about increased anxiety and it did help me but i had to stop taking it because i had no sleep for 2 weeks, i was awake all day and through the night til about 5am and then couldn't wake up til about 1pm which is not ideal with a family. I spoke to my dr who said it can disturb sleep for about 3 weeks and gave me sleeping tabs, i took 1 out of the 2 it said i could have and after 20 minutes my heart was racing and i was really scared and panicky but then it was morning time so they worked but increased the anxiety ( i later read side effects and that was one of them and i do not read side effects incase it puts ideas in my head ). In the morning it was very, very hard to wake up and i felt awful like i had a terrible hangover even though i hadn't been drinking , the thought of no sleep was a no, no so i stopped taking them, things that go on in my life contribute to this anxiety and i know if i did something the anxiety would probably go away , it's a vicious circle .

02-05-14, 16:13
Hi and welcome this is a great site and I hope it helps. I take seroxat for my anxiety and it helps so much for me. However as with citalopram you feel more anxious at first before you feel better. I always get some Valium when upping or changing doses and it helps loads. It is not dangerous as long as you take it sensibly.

02-05-14, 22:00
Hi, the Dr i saw would only give me Citalopram as they thought it was safest one for me to take , why i'm not sure , i didn't experience more anxiety with the dose i was taking until the sleeping tab i took, but as i said i couldn't cope with the lack of sleep side effect.

02-05-14, 22:50
Hi welcome to you I'm new on here too so anytime you want a chat just give me a shout, I find it difficult to go out and I get people saying lets go here and let's go there you'll be fine they just don't realise sometimes how bad you feel keep your chin up and hope you are okay

02-05-14, 22:52
Thank you , means a lot to know other people care