View Full Version : Want to quit smoking but scared!

Neurotic Nick
02-05-14, 01:09
Hi guys, i plan to quit smoking in 2 days (on my final pack) because i think in the long term its making my anxiety worse and of course the health risks.

Im just very worried about withdrawl and if itll cause a relapse. My gp has actually been arguing against my quitting for months as he's worried the stress will make my anxiety worse.

But i just really want to quit! Any thoughts?

02-05-14, 09:24
Make the transition easier by using gum/spray/whatever else is around these days!

It was gum that finally made it easier for me to give up.

I'd avoid patches though as it's more difficult to recognise the 'hit' of nicotine and it also doesn't satisfy the habitual reaching response you have when you smoke.

Good luck though, once you give up I guarantee you'll feel a lot better, never mind wealthier! :yesyes:

02-05-14, 10:33
As AnxietyJoe said use methods where you can feel a nicotine hit. Also, how many cigarettes a day were you smoking?

02-05-14, 10:34
You are caught in the 'nicotine trap' just like some are in the 'diet trap' , I'll give up tomorrow is usually the motivation. When you 'plan' to give up you are torturing yourself mentally without knowing it , subconsciously , you end up making yourself feel like you are sacrificing something so precious and dear but the reality is you aren't , your breaking free from addiction. Nicotine is a drug , like any other , it's just socially accepted as well as legal because most of the world smoke and the government's make a lot of tax from it. I suggest you read Allen Carr's 'easy way to stop smoking' get some knowledge in you