View Full Version : miss my dad

fraser t
02-05-14, 01:28
im 47 and im still trying to get over the sudden death of my dad.
its been nearly 5 years now and I still cant believe it
after a couple of years after his death I finally admitted to myself that something was wrong and went to the docs where I broke down and he prescribed me with 20mg of Citalopram. I think its working cos I don't cry so much these days or is time a healer?
my mum died of cancer way back in 1986 and try as I may I just cant remember her,not one conversation,just nothing...
Did I blank her death out back then?
I don't even remember her funeral???
ive tried speaking to my brother about it
but he just says "man up"
ive never been suicidal, but i often wish id just die
ive never spoken about this before and don't expect to again,
I just miss them both so much...

02-05-14, 01:40
I understand Fraser. I lost my Mom about five years ago and I miss her everyday. Yesterday was her birthday and my Dad and I did some things that honored her memory. Worked a jigsaw puzzle as she loved them, and had Mexican (her favorite) for dinner.

My brother died when I was quite young and I remember nothing. I remember nothing of the next three years of my life. Sometimes I believe that our minds blank out the things that are just too difficult for us to handle.

My Dad is dying now of mantle cell lymphoma and a spinal chordoma. I am trying to be supportive and enjoy very last moment that I have with him.

Have you thought about joining a bereavement group of some type. Being able to talk to people that understand would do you a world of good. Much better than "manning up".

02-05-14, 01:51
Hi Fraser

I am so sorry about your mum and dad. There wouldn't be a time when you don't miss them, especially your dad. Neither will you "get over it", it's something that in time you learn to live with. Some days are worse than others aren't they? I've lost both my parents so I know how you are feeling.

I wish you the best.

Tanner - I am so sorry to hear about your dad, stay strong:bighug1::bighug1: