View Full Version : convinced I have hiv!!

02-05-14, 09:23
I wrote on here yesterday but today has got worse, I slept with a man unprotected (yes I know very irresponsible) and he was sleeping with working girls, he said he always used condoms with them but did perform oral sex which then he conducted on me, I am so petrified that he has hiv and had passed it onto me it has been 3 days since this happened and now I'm having a real sore throat feels like it's closing up on me, it's hard to swallow and I have a pain with it which is a symptom of hiv so I have read... I'm convinced he has given me hiv, I can't think straight, keep crying, I have 2 beautiful kids who are my world and I can't believe I done it I was very drunk and stupid but now I won't use the same cutlery the same cups I won't even kiss them as I'm so scared, I have health anxiety have done for years but I am so low about this I can't even do a test for 6 weeks so the advisor said at my local clinic, the man in question said he hasn't had a check up since last year and is going to get on next week but even if he comes back negative the last encounter with a sex worker was 3 weeks ago so wouldn't show anyways.. I know this next 6-8 week's are going to be torture for me, has anybody been in the same situation??? Any replies would be appreciated

02-05-14, 14:01
So no one can help me then

02-05-14, 14:23
Hi Mary

We have so many posts about HIV worries on here and not one person as yet has been diagnosed with it and I am pretty sure you won't be either.

02-05-14, 14:24
Maybe have a re-read of the replies you got yesterday as well as they seemed to help

02-05-14, 15:01
HIV is actually quite difficult to contract. If your worries are that severe then get a test done at your local sexual health clinic.

Worried 24/7
02-05-14, 15:48
I commented on your other post as well. I have been refraining from kissing my kids and sharing food with them as well out of fear that I have a disease. HA really runs your life.... I meant to write ruins but runs works just as well.... anyway, I really think it's more likely you caught a cold from him or maybe you are so stressed that you end up swallowing constantly which would result in your throat hurting. That has happened to me. I've actually induced a sore throat.

02-05-14, 16:11
HIV is actually quite difficult to contract. If your worries are that severe then get a test done at your local sexual health clinic.

I have to wait 6 weeks to get tested which is a long timeespecially for someone with health anxiety :( thanks for the reply

Worried 24/7
02-05-14, 16:14
I'm sure it's going to be a hard 6 weeks. I am having a hard time waiting the two weeks till my doctor appointment as well...

02-05-14, 16:16
I commented on your other post as well. I have been refraining from kissing my kids and sharing food with them as well out of fear that I have a disease. HA really runs your life.... I meant to write ruins but runs works just as well.... anyway, I really think it's more likely you caught a cold from him or maybe you are so stressed that you end up swallowing constantly which would result in your throat hurting. That has happened to me. I've actually induced a sore throat.

Thankyou it means alot that you are writing to me, someone who suffers with HA I find easier to talk to because they know how I feel, I have been like that with my kids even rang a health advisor and asked if I could Koss them, hug them ect cuz I'm so scared they would catch hiv if I had it and they assured me I could ccarry on with everything I am doing with my kids which helped me alot but im still weary, the one thing I need to stop doing is googling things because one min I see summit and feel a little relief the next I see summit and I'm like omg omg omg etc these next 6 week's need to hurry up :(... How are you feeling today?

Worried 24/7
02-05-14, 16:18
I'm struggling as well...do you want to personal message for a bit?

02-05-14, 16:23
That would be a help.. Thanks

04-05-14, 23:27
Assuming the guy had it, which is very unlikely, your chances of getting it would be less than 1%. You have better odds of being struck by lightning. I used to fear HIV too and these are things I've read in my million hours of obsession on the topic. I promise, you are fine but a test would ease your mind...until a new symptom arises at which time it will be a different disease bc we have HA and it sucks!

05-05-14, 00:01
I had a HIV scare which lasted for over a year even though I got tested for it 2-3 times, I still made an excuse to believe I had contracted it. My friends thought I was mad.

I can definitely sympathies with you on this one and I know how terrifying it is but please don't let this irrational fear rule your life.

You need to consider a few things before you make assumptions.

1. HIV is so hard to contract through vaginal sex
2. If he did have HIV, is he really that inhumane to not tell you he had it and still have sex with you?
3. The likelihood is so slim
4. The reason you are developing HIV type symptoms (sore throat) is because you are so worried you have it that you psychologically develop it.

I think you should speak to someone at the sexual health clinic and they will reassure you and advise you that you are unlikely to have it.

Chin up :)

05-05-14, 03:52
I used to fear HIV. I feared it for about two years and was terrified to have the test. I did hours upon hours of research and I can tell you this...IF the man you slept w even had it...and chances are he did NOT...your chances of getting it if he didn't have it, 0%...if he did....less than 1%. I think if memory serves it's like 0.00001% give or take a zero there. Your chances of getting hit by lightning are actually higher than getting HIV. It is very hard to catch. Get a test...it will mKe you feel better.

07-05-14, 21:00
Hi Mary

Forgive me for not going through all of your posts but from what I can gather, you fear that you have contracted HIV?

I'm a 24 year old male who lost nearly four years of his life to HIV anxiety. Not only that, but I spent over £3000 on tests during that period. For clarity, I'm HIV negative.

After years of cognitive behavioural therapy, counselling and medication, I am finally over my irrational fear of HIV. I can only urge you not to let this thought get the better of you. Yes, have a test if you are unsure, but once your test comes back negative, please leave it there and get on with your life.

I would love to help in any way that I can, so if you have any questions or need advice then please do not hesitate to respond. Trust me when I say that I have been through it all!

Kind Regards