View Full Version : CBT Therapist signed me off her books. I think its a positive thing!

02-05-14, 13:16
I had my first CBT wellbeing meeting yesterday. Generally I was feeling much better before the meeting and had taught myself a lot of CBT techniques anyway. After having a chat with the therapist when I told my story, how I've got to where I am, the fact I've got myself a new job, she told me that I am such a strong person that I've done it myself...and she could teach me no more. .because I've helped myself. She also told me I should go into teaching cbt myself! She gave me a website to use and sent me on my way saying that I could always be reffered if I do relapse. I kind of feel quite positive from what she said but tiny part of me went 'ohh god!' Lol

02-05-14, 13:27
Congratulations! That's a HUGE accomplishment. One thing that stood out is that you did it yourself! Ultimately, in my opinion, that is the key. Therapy, meds, CBT etc. are all "tools". They teach you how to overcome the issues and how to build your life. You have to be the builder and use the tools.

Much comes down to attitude as well. A positive attitude and real desire to get well goes a long way in taming the Dragon. Keep up the good work! Congrats on the job too!

Positive thoughts

02-05-14, 14:43
That's great news I had 1 lot of cbt therapy and done well then had a break then was told needed some more sessions but this time finding hard to do I have a different therapist as my 1 left I don't know if that's got anything to do with it but I don't feel I'm doing as well as I did before have you any tips ? Thank you x

02-05-14, 15:38
Thanks Fishmanpa! I don't really know how I've done it, don't get me wrong I'm not 100% yet but I kind of decided to accept that I felt like crap but rather than hiding away upstairs and curling up...I just carried on doing what I needed to do regardless of smiles or no smiles. I took my biggest fear 'what if I die feeling like this' and then just challenged it ' I have many years ahead of me, and should I always be like this...then tough, that's how it'll be' It wasn't something that clicked straight away. It took a few months of practise and constant acceptance and challenging to get it through. Distraction and having company helped me too. Surrounding myself with funny caring people xx