View Full Version : Cant stop snapping

02-05-14, 14:48

New to the forum, had anxiety for about 18 months now..

Started off with intrusive thoughts and in the last year and a half i have got so much better, there is one thing holding me back and that is my shortness and snappiness with people.

I seem to be so hypersensitive to certain things and i mainly take it out on my girlfriend which makes me feel terrible.

I don't seem to be snappy around friends or when im in a big group as i think there is lots to take my mind off things but when its just me and my gf in the flat or out for a meal i snap at everything she does, the way she eats, the way she speaks, the way she sniffs. Its got to the point where i dread her coming home which is a horrible feeling.

She came with me to see my therapist and i basically got bashed the whole session which made me resent them both as for the first 30 years of my life i was fine and now i have this disability (in a way it is) that i never asked for or wanted.

Even writing this now im getting angry and confused.

Has anyone got any good ways to stop snapping, i try to take deep breaths or go sit in the other room but that's just avoiding the situation in the long run and doesn't help.

I feel i am 90% there with my anxiety battle but i cannot overcome this last thing.


02-05-14, 14:58
I suffer terribly with mood swings (which I have only just started admitting to people) and one of my problems is snapping at my husband. I understand how horrible it feels when you snap at them, what ever is wrong is not their fault at all.

If I'm feeling bad I'll warn my husband that I am feeling angry/frustrated/whatever so he knows to either leave me alone or to support me. If I know that I'm going to be really angry I take myself away from him, either sit in my muse room, do some housework or watch TV in the bedroom, anything that gets me away from him. Once I start to feel it slide I go and see him for a cuddle.

Another thing I do is think before speaking. If my husband says something that I don't necessarily agree with I think through what I want to say, decide whether that is a good thing to say or not, and speak (or not). I still snap, but not as explosive or as often as before.

Also, remember to say sorry to your girlfriend. You feel very small doing so but you have to remember that it's not her fault. I know it's not your fault for feeling the way you do but just take a moment to think how it feels for her.