View Full Version : a step in the right direction

Worried 24/7
02-05-14, 16:41
Just a moment ago I emailed a therapist in my area regarding CBT. This is the first time I have made this kind of an effort to help myself. I hope it works out!

02-05-14, 16:51
Best of luck! This is a huge step in the right direction!

02-05-14, 16:53
Great move Worried. Just a word of advice - I presume you are going private. I had initial sessions with two different therapists before I found the third one that I liked. So don't get disheartened if the first person isn't a match for you.

Secondly it isn't a golden bullet, but it did help me understand the mechanisms at play, what I could affect and how to change my thought processes. That took some hard work as well as rocking up to sessions. I viewed it in the same way as you might weigh****chers if you were trying to lose weight. The sessions are good to keep you on track but you also have to do the hard yards in between.

Good luck and definitely a step in the right direction :)

Worried 24/7
02-05-14, 16:53
Thank you! Im tired of my anxiety controlling my life!!

02-05-14, 22:50
Great step in the right direction, Worried. CBT has helped me so much. It enables me to have a better grasp on the irrational thoughts that play in my mind. Like CPE said, it's the hard work in between the sessions that will make it successful for you. I'm around if I can ever help.

02-05-14, 23:37
That's so great!! I've been going once a week for a bit one and this guy has me driving again! Does he take insurance? Mine does not and it is so expensive but worth every cent!

Worried 24/7
02-05-14, 23:50
Yes, I'm just hoping she takes mine

03-05-14, 00:23
Yay! You go girl! :yahoo:
Marie xx

03-05-14, 08:22
That's great news! I'm on to my second course of CBT but I think it's really good, I've definitely seen improvement, and yes its hard, there's days it makes you feel worse and you don't want to go back but in the long run it works, the exposure work if the difficult part as it's all about facing your fears, but once you learn it's safe to feel anxious that gets a little easier, good luck with your journey! :)

Worried 24/7
17-05-14, 04:27
Well I've been emailing back and forth with the therapist and I feel good knowing I'm trying something new to help myself :-) hopefully I can get started soon!

17-05-14, 15:15
This is such a fab step! Truly wishing you the best of luck. I'm envious of your courage!

Worried 24/7
20-05-14, 04:39
Appointment set for Thursday :-)