View Full Version : new and friendless

02-05-14, 16:59
Hello I have just started on this site and not sure what i'm doing but here we go.
I've suffered anxiety and panic on and off since i was 16, now at 39 its back again I have had good patches and bad I started with this new suffering about a year and a half ago i'd been having a good spell going out having fun then we where burgled whilst on holiday and from that point it crept up on me until I am now back to where I was, staying in and avoiding everything I have seen gps and had counselling I also saw a cbt therapist but he has referred me back to couselling saying i'm not ready for cbt yet ,i'm still waiting for an appointment, I feel very lonely all my friends have stopped calling because they ask me out and Isay no thank you so now they dont even bother not even a text to see how I am doing so I miss out on having a girly chat so I feel my every thought is about how im feeling I cant get out my own head sometimes well thats a bit about whats going on not sure what else to say really so hello to all and I hope you are all doing okay

02-05-14, 17:02
God i know all about the loneliness, its the thing that gets me most down also from all teh staying in and avoiding people but there are many friendly people on here who will chat to you we are all in the same boat here =)

02-05-14, 17:16
Thank you I sometimes wonder why people suddenly stop talking I dont have two heads just a problem with going out and feeling anxious and panicky I still like to talk about normal things and have a laugh