View Full Version : Looking for people to talk too

Agoraphobic Rachel
02-05-14, 18:40
Hi my names Rachel I. 23 suffered with panic attacks for the last 4 years which has in the last year been diagnosed as agoraphobia. I'm finding everything really hard at the moment even just going outside is a struggle. I've been referred for CBT but we all know what waiting lists are like.

02-05-14, 21:02
Welcome to the site Rachel :]

02-05-14, 21:25
Hi and welcome Rachel !

02-05-14, 23:06
Hi Rachel, :welcome: I'm Carla! You're not alone. I suffer with anxiety and I struggle going out too so I know how difficult it is :(
If you want to private message me at anytime, the offer is always there :)

02-05-14, 23:54
Hi, i had a option of calling IAPT , it was a self referral , they do help but i'm not sure how many people have access, i got a call and had 1 to 1 with someone then had telephone appointments from my home, have used them a few times and they can give you so much help , i found my issues easier to deal with when talking to them, everyone is different and i don't know if you would find this helpful, i have started to feel like i don't want to go out but at same time i hate being home because it reminds me of why i am anxious , i hope you get some comfort from this site

Agoraphobic Rachel
03-05-14, 05:12
Thanks guys. It's so hard I used to feel safe at my parents but I had a baby in November so I moved a 5 minute journey away to sort of try and let go of relying on my parents which now mean I rely on my partner which is of course a strain I was sort of coping with my anxiety etc but the last 6 weeks it's hit me hard and I duno what to do. I have been told to try being hypnotised. Any opinions on this?

03-05-14, 08:19
I've never been hypnotised but I suppose anything is worth a try, I'm petrified of meds so tried to overcome anxiety without them, and hey.. it worked. I had a court of CBT, it was hard as hell and I give up, then I had some spiritual healing... amazing! but now I'm doing another course if CBT as I feel more determined and able to take on the exposer work, I used to get sick of people saying "well you won't overcome your anxiety until you overcome your fears" i.e going out but guess what.. it's true. I've still got a long way to go with my anxiety issues but I'm definitely on the right path. Good luck :)