View Full Version : Throat mucus

02-05-14, 18:50
Can anxiety cause throat mucus? I feel like it's there all the time and after I eat I can sometimes spit it out. Desperately trying not to google! Thank you for any insight!

02-05-14, 19:09
hi amandala, i get a lot of mucus in my throat, on and off, i was told by gp mine was due to acid reflux AND anxiety, do you get a constant runny nose aswell ? i do and he gave me a nasal spray, which helps with my runny nose and mucus sometimes, hope this helps :hugs:

Worried 24/7
02-05-14, 19:27
I get it worst when I first wake up. I think I have post nasal drip

02-05-14, 19:43
i sure do get that, good days...bad days..
post nasal drip is my issue

02-05-14, 21:37
I suppose when anxiety makes your mouth dry it could leave a 'mucus' or 'furry' sensation in your throat. I can't say I've experienced it directly due to anxiety, I usually get it when I've smoked too much *eek!* but if others have experienced it through anxiety then it must be so :)

02-05-14, 22:26
Thanks so much :) it really is yucky! I saw my gp today and we are going to start a trial of omneprazole (sp?) to see if that makes a difference :)