View Full Version : deep breaths!!!

02-05-14, 18:53
I get lots of tension at the top of my tummy, around where my diaphram is, which makes my breathing feel uncomfortable... It's not actually my breathing, just tummy/chest muscle/ upper back tension feeling like that.

It feels like I ease it a bit by little coughs. Not even clearing my throat, just a little 'ahem'. I tend to burp lots when it happens too.
I also feel sometimes its hard to take a deep breath then i panic thinking i cant breath!!!
does anyone ever feel like this??
how can i make it easier to cope with??

02-05-14, 20:00
I know that being conscious of your breathing can be a real bummer,the more you focus on It the worse It gets,its one of the symptoms that comes and goes, do you find that being engrossed in something helps? If you are otherwise healthy try running up and down the stairs a few times it helps to burn up the excess oxygen and helps put your breathing back into Its natural rythme did you ever see the film copycat with sigourney weaver.

02-05-14, 20:32
If i take my mind off it im fine, but the more i try to make myself breath normal it gets worse, no i never seen it, will have to check it out!!

02-05-14, 20:47
Its a good film but the funny part if you can call It funny, she's a psychiatryst with agraphobia/panic disorder and gets chronic hyperventilation, you would think she would have been able to cope woudnt you, good film worth watching.
just thought of something else that helps, singing.

02-05-14, 21:51
LOL oh my, yes i will watch it tonight!