View Full Version : ugh..if this really is all just anxiety.. I'm not coping!

02-05-14, 21:49
I started to convince myself that I have pancreatic cancer. Since thinking it I have developed pain symptoms in my back and upper stomach. Like sharp elastic band pingy pains. Its been constant all day. I just can't u derstand how this very real and very painful pains can be anxiety..or just caused by my imagination...

I was crying over dinner this evening and my mums saying its clear for everyone to see that its all anxiety...everyone except me.

But its everything and its so overwhelming. Like a couple weeks ago I was waking up in a sweat at night and was really thirsty. I could drink a whole pint of water and I'd still feel thirsty. I googled. And diabetes came up. I immedietly dismissed it thinking nah I'm not overweight, I have no history in the family, it won't be diabetes. Then I start getting other symptoms...googled them, and got pancreatic cancer...then I notice that diabetes is a symptom/effect of pancreatic cancer..,so its All adding up.
The other night I woke up drenched in sweat, my sheets and top was soaked..only top half, bottom half was fine, this also went along with the pain in my back..which is now also in my stomach.

This is too much :( I'm absolutely sure its what it is. And now I'm depressed and not enjoying life.

02-05-14, 21:56
There was a post earlier where the guy was sure he had a brain tumor for close to a year! He doesn't :)

Positive thoughts

02-05-14, 22:13
Have you been to the doctor? Just asking because maybe they can reassure you.

You're clearly under a lot of stress with all this worry and any on going stress is going to play physical symptoms on your body.

You're probably not imagining these pains, I can't tell you whether they're caused by anxiety or not because I'm not a doctor but anxiety/stress does cause back pain etc.

The best thing to do is go to your doctor and tell him how you feel, you should try some therapy or something too!

02-05-14, 22:18
I was once convinced I had a brain tumour. Seems silly looking back as I was only 16 at the time!

These past 6 weeks iv thought I had:
Cervical cancer
Or endometriosis
Cervical cancer that had spread to my lungs/kidneys etc
Hormonal imbalance
Pituatry tumour
Breast cancer
I thought the blood from my period was actually blood in my urine.
Burst blood vessel in stomach...

I know it looks ridiculous, I'm pretty sure I know what it is this time though!

Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 00:02
I'm in the same boat! Over the last two months I've been SURE I had:

Rheumatoid arthritis
CSF leak
Ramsay hunt syndrome

You name it..I just keep cycling through them over and over....

03-05-14, 00:59
Me too, for about two months I have had:
Lyme disease
Rabies (because I swear my dog had a limp too, I hurt my back and had weakness and tingling in my leg) crazy right?
Bowel cancer
Cervical cancer
Brain tumor until a ctrl scan was all clear
I know rationally I cannot have all these things anxiety I know I have but I can't stop thinking the worst
Actually I forgot adrenal gland tumor
It must have been something new almost every day
I have googled so much I think I overdosed on it, I mean now I can't remember what symptoms were for what disease, maybe that's a good thing.

Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 01:01
At least I know I'm not alone :-)

03-05-14, 01:08
No you are not alone, I know I'm not anymore, that helps so much. I am so glad I came across this site, the only good thing I have gotten from GOOGLE!

Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 02:39
Totally! Hahaha!

03-05-14, 09:00
I was once convinced I had a brain tumour. Seems silly looking back as I was only 16 at the time!

These past 6 weeks iv thought I had:
Cervical cancer
Or endometriosis
Cervical cancer that had spread to my lungs/kidneys etc
Hormonal imbalance
Pituatry tumour
Breast cancer
I thought the blood from my period was actually blood in my urine.
Burst blood vessel in stomach...

I know it looks ridiculous, I'm pretty sure I know what it is this time though!

Hi katie im sure from time to time I too have had all these illnesses and more and Ive been back and to getting checked for this for that and yeah I do have an illness its ANIEXTY please believe thats what it is and nothing more sinister xx

03-05-14, 09:58
Lately, I have been having issues with thinking that I am having a heart attack. I've had burning chest, tight chest, sore arm, lump in my throat, difficulty breathing....the list goes on and on and on!!!

However, when I'm up to it, I like to challenge these thoughts. Most days, I am not up to it and I just sit there with negative thoughts churning through my brain. But, when I am having a better day, I will often ask myself if the symptoms are really there or if they are only there when I focus on them? Surprise, surprise, they are only there when I think about them.

If you are truly concerned about the symptoms and they don't seem to go away, go see a doctor and get some reassurance. Sometimes it's tiring to have to keep going back to the doctors, but they are there to help and most of them genuinely care!

This will only help you in your recovery from anxiety. All the best!

03-05-14, 10:14
Katie ... I have exactly the same symptons the pain in my belly the upper pain the waking up sweating at night and thirst, I googled and obviously it came up with pancreatic cancer and I have sworn I have it! I went to doctor she has booked me in for a ultra sound and an endoscopy of my belly but my blood and wee come up negative which I think blood can show of cancer is present as it will produce more of something in it maybe ?? So I now have convinced my self I have stomach cancer and I'm
Not enjoying life I keep crying and thinking bad thoughts. I don't want talk about the future as I keep saying I won't be in it. I know wake up withy a dry mouth and lump in my throat and all different tummy pains. I check my stool constantly for blood, I feel I cough up blood to but I taste a blood / cooper taste in my mouth. I'm feeling like I don't know what's anxiety, what's pain as surely anxiety has a break?? Anyway I'm hear to talk to u, if u need it! Just email. I defiantly think go doctors the only way you will know is tests. X

02-07-14, 12:01
I am also feelling this after googling

02-07-14, 19:45
hey katie, im in same boat as you....have upper abdominal ache especially under right rib......diarreah last week and although everybody keeps telling me i dont ive convinced myself i look jaundiced, i too am fearing pancreatic cancer, ive had all my bloods back which were no action required said my liver function was within normal, and im having an ultrasound on friday, however i know that ill still worry even if alls well,

trying hard to control the thoughts and constant googling, as its ruining my life at the moment...life should be about enjoyment not feeling like i am at the moment

03-07-14, 23:26
HI guys, Just a quick update on this.
I had a LOT of symptoms for quite some time (around 2+ months) which got progressively worse and varied each week. The stomach pains and night sweats were terrifying as I had never had anything like it before.
I was in and out of the dr loads of times, they couldn't find anything wrong.
I was taking antibiotics for a UTI and anti-depressants for anxiety at the time. Finished the course of antibiotics and the dr took me off the anti-depressesnts as she wondered if it might have something to do with the stomach pains.
After coming off all medication, within a week I felt pretty normal again. I havn't had anymore night sweats or stomach pains.

I have had other symptoms however, and persistant oral thrush, so I'm currently pretty much convinced I have HIV. Will this ever end?

04-07-14, 09:43
HI guys, Just a quick update on this.
I had a LOT of symptoms for quite some time (around 2+ months) which got progressively worse and varied each week. The stomach pains and night sweats were terrifying as I had never had anything like it before.
I was in and out of the dr loads of times, they couldn't find anything wrong.
I was taking antibiotics for a UTI and anti-depressants for anxiety at the time. Finished the course of antibiotics and the dr took me off the anti-depressesnts as she wondered if it might have something to do with the stomach pains.
After coming off all medication, within a week I felt pretty normal again. I havn't had anymore night sweats or stomach pains.

I have had other symptoms however, and persistant oral thrush, so I'm currently pretty much convinced I have HIV. Will this ever end?

This sounds just like me - I was treated for a UTI six weeks ago and have convinced myself there's something more as I've had tummy pains etc ever since.
I also have oral thrush but I've been told by two docs it's down to the antibiotics and the stress not making it clear up... ask for some fluxodil tablets and get yourself some corsodul mouth wash.. it's working a treat on mine!!!
I then poked about and felt a gland under my arm which has been there three weeks so going for a scan on that and my tummy as four doctor couldn't fine a reason for the pain.
Currently I'm convinced I have a bone tumour cause my hip is a funny shape (now kills from poking it and I poked my boyfriend's hips which don't match either).

Fingers crossed my next lot of bloods and scans will come back normal and I can focus on getting over this anxiety!!

We should start a tip sharing thread maybe?? Or one where we can post/get points if we don't poke/prod/Google or call the doc all day?

04-07-14, 10:48
I assumed my oral thrush was down to the antibiotics, however its been 7 weeks since I had any antibiotics and I've still got yellow coating on my tongue. I googled it thinking it would be something totally harmless with a simple solution, to find out that every thread, article, post on the internet has HIV alarm bells ringing.
I had an ultrasound done and was told I had polycystic ovaries. No idea if that might be a cause of some symptoms. I was also convinced I had some kind of tumour as the right side of my torso (sort of between my ribs and hip bone) has been painful for sometime, and im sure I can feel a lump there.
It's a mystery! I have no idea whats going on!

04-07-14, 10:52
I have the exact same feeling as you on my right side!!
They would have found a tumour in your ultra sound hun so maybe IBS or just plain old anxiety?
I should be having an ultrasound too so will let you know the results.

I have had a coating on my tongue for three weeks - have you tried using a tongue scraper?? It helped me!!

I had an HIV test recently and it was negative so I wouldn't worry about that also this seems to be a common anxiety symptom - my brother suffered terribly during uni and his tongue looked just the same as mine!!!!

"Thin white coating with a red tip to the tongue could mean Qi stagnation of which symptoms are stress, depression, anxiety, emotional instability and PMT."


04-07-14, 11:04
Thanks for the advice :) I brush my tongue 2-3 times a day and I have been using mouth wash, although I was reading last night that mouthwash could make it worse because it kills good bacteria as well as bad (similar to antibiotics). So i'm going to cut out the mouth wah for the moment and see if it helps.
Since I started freaking out about HIV my tongue has become really itchy...which I hear is an anxiety symptom. On top of that I have a driving test on Tuesday which I'm really anxious about too.

When I had the ultrasound the nurse said she would also check my kidneys and had the scanner thing right on top of the sore lumpy bit on my side. I told her it was painful there, but she said she couldnt see anything wrong.

It's weird, because a lot of the time I don't feel anxious in myself...but then I read back posts on here that I've written and think I sound like the worlds biggest worrier. Maybe i'm so used to anxiety that it feels 'normal'...or maybe im anxious without realising and my conscious mind feels fine and calm while my subconscious is freaking out!

I'm not even sure that made any sense?!

04-07-14, 11:25
Ahhh maybe I'll hold off the mouthwash then!! :).
If the nurse told you there was nothing there then there won't be - don't worry.
I think it's muscle tension from being anxious all the time and poking around the area!!

That makes perfect sense - I don't feel anxious in myself but the symptoms that flare up with my anxiety are still there - it's a vicious cycle!!!

Good luck with your driving test - is it your first one?? xxxx

04-07-14, 11:32
Thanks! Yep, first one :S so desperate to pass...which makes things worse haha.

Good luck with your ultrasound. It will probably end up being nothing like mine was! xxx

04-07-14, 11:37
Just try to relax and forget it's an exam - I did six so failing isn't the end of the world but I'm sure you'll do great :)!!!
Might take your mind off your health ;).

Thanks, I really hope so, just waiting for a date!!!