View Full Version : Another HIV Concern / HIV Survival

03-05-14, 00:19
Hi guys,

Now I've heard that HIV survival outside the body is very poor as the virus is very weak. Today I was handling money and there appeared to be lots of blood over a certain pound coin. Being a hypochondriac, having to handle this money made me feel awful.

On the way back to my house about 15 minutes later (I hadn't washed my hands at this point) I noticed a cut on my hand was bleeding. I used the same hand that handled the bloody coin to wipe away blood on my cut :doh:

Anyways, so I've returned to freaking out about HIV. Many posts online state about having the need for direct contact, however, I found a blog from AidsMap that suggests otherwise:


So, guys, what do you think? Am I at risk here? Could handling this money (and other coins which have touched this coin) have allowed for the virus to have spread into my bloodstream? What about what is stated on the AidsMap website? Should this warrant a visit to the doctor? :unsure:

Thank you x

Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 00:28
If you can have sex with someone and not get hiv, then I'd say you're at way less risk than that. Plus the blood would've had to be infected blood and there's not a great chance of that either. I would about guarantee you're just fine

03-05-14, 00:48
How many pages of HIV info did you have to go through to find that?

Ok... seriously... Think about what you're stressing about for a moment. It said there have been no reported cases of transmission from spilled blood or other bodily fluids. You would make the medical journals if you contracted HIV from a coin!

Positive thoughts

03-05-14, 10:36
Thanks fishmanpa. I found blood on my hand that I used to wipe my cut hand but I should guess that was my own blood... The thought of it being someone elses freaks me out so much :unsure:

03-05-14, 13:07
I wouldn't worry. HIV can only survive outside the body for 1-2 minutes so even if the blood did contain HIV the virus was probably dead already by the time you touched the coin. I've had loads of HIV scares in the past and if I was really worried about something I'd get a free postal HIV test which would put my mind at rest :) I'm gay but anyone can order one free from this website: http://www.gmfa.org.uk/hometest

03-05-14, 14:56
How do you know it was blood on the money? Could have been anything red, right?

03-05-14, 15:00
True, it might not have been blood but certainly looked like it. I'm scared to use the other coins within my wallet in case they touched the 'blood' on the coin in question... Makes me feel a tad silly but I can't help but think I will/already have been infected :(

Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 15:12
Why don't you just sanitize the other coins to ease your mind?

04-05-14, 23:22
HIV is actually very hard to catch. First, you are assuming the blood u came in contact with was infected w it when it probably wasn't. Next, it is a very weak virus and won't live on a coin long at all. I'm sure you are A ok:-)