View Full Version : A Health Anxiety Poem....

Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 00:47
You're just lounging around
Perhaps watching tv,
You start feeling around and then
"What's that?? Oh, dear me!“
Is this something new??
Was it there before???
Now all of a sudden you're
Terrified to your core.
You're inspecting and googling
Till you break out in hives,
Wondering how much longer
You can stay alive
You start seeking reassurance from
Anyone who might care
You're sweating and nauseous
And losing your hair
Then when you've done
About all you can do,
You feel the other side and
Well shoot, there's one on that side too.
You start to feel silly that
You stressed your heart
About something that apparently has
Been there from the start
So you head back to the couch and
Turn the tv back on,
Relieved that your worries are
Finally gone.
But before you're even
All the way sat,
You feel a slight twinge and
"Oh no......what was that???"

03-05-14, 01:45
I love it! :D

03-05-14, 02:53
I needed the laugh! Thank you! :)