View Full Version : Can't sleep/difficulty believing nothing is wrong

03-05-14, 02:41
Hi again, it's 2.26 am at the mo and im having real difficulty sleeping... Again. Everytime i close my eyes i feel really uncomfortable in a way that feels im going to either stop breathing or my heart will give out and i end up jerking awake a bit panicky. Its so frustrating as its not every night but close enough.
Ive been having a hard time sometimes believing nothings wrong as i genuinly feel so run down or ill a lot of days. Sometimes its specific things like pain in my arm, chest, back or head, or a random strong heart palpatation or sickness, but these symptoms i am getting better at assesing and ignoring.
Its just the general feelings of illness; the achy sicky feeling coupled with fleeting pains in my chest and stomach area along with the tiredness, sort of dizziness, and breathing that seems to make me feel sicker, that i dont understand. It doesnt really go away, and although sometimes i feel great it always comes back.
Im trying my hardest but its sometimes really difficult. This has made me not revise for my upcoming exams at all out of constant fear and now im just so tired of it. I dont know what to do

03-05-14, 03:04
Hi Alice

I know exactly where you're coming from that's why I'm still awake right now, i sometimes get that awful feeling were your just drifting off then BAMM your sprung out of bed heart going like the clappers sort of like the dream were your falling off a cliff and before you hit the ground you spring out bed gasping for air!!

All the symptoms you're explaining is pretty much a mirror of my own, check my post from last night that was sending my anxiety into overdrive!!

What i tend to do is listen to sleep relax music on YouTube to help me drift off or classic fm
I personally have either a warm glass of milk to calm the tummy down or lukewarm water from the kettle.

Hope you get some sleep Alice

Take care

Petesy :hugs:

03-05-14, 11:32
Hello thank you for your lovely reply.
It does help that I'm not crazy and/or dying and it it is probably just all a product of my anxiety, although I hate that you also have these same feelings as they truely can be hell and no-one deserves to have them.
I will have a look at your post, thank you.
At the minute my mother is being a saint and always seems to know when I'm awake (I have no idea how she knows it's mind blowing) and comes and helps me out, and it really really helps, but I'm going back to uni on monday and I'm a bit worried about coping without her, which is not healthy, I know, but she makes everything better and more manegable just by hugging me.
I hope you got some sleep too. Thank you once again. xxx

03-05-14, 16:58
I am going through this at the moment, i also have a common cold so its making it worse!
i feel awful!!! hope things get better for you....:hugs: