View Full Version : Positive test for ibd

03-05-14, 08:59
I've been having bowel problems for a while. Years really but things have got worse in past year. At first I didn't really notice it was a problem as I only poo once per day but I started to notice its mostly loose.

On and off I've had a dull ache at my right side. I don't really feel hungry very much. And I've noticed I'm now getting mucus in my stools. I also feel low in energy. If I eat fruit, veg, oily Food I get diareah. My folic acid and b12 also keep dropping although I am not anemic. The only thing I don't have is weight loss and I don't see any blood but I know sometimes you can't see it. I am 33.

My gp said she thought ibs but decided to run a stool test which looks for inflammation and ibd. She called me yesterday to say it's come back high. I've been referred for an urgent colonoscopy.

She said its likely either chrons or ulcerative colitis. That's bad enough but I've also read it is high for colon cancer. I'm terrified I've got cancer.

03-05-14, 09:12
Don't worry, weight loss would be something that would ring major bells for Bowel Cancer, I have UC and its very manageable, even with your symptoms this could still be IBS I promise, when they find inflammation in your intestines it can be a sign of food poisoning or a gut reaction (no pun intended) so until you have your colonoscopy try not to panic, whens it booked for.

03-05-14, 09:41
I've had a bit of weight loss but I've been feeling really stressed worrying about what all this is and have noticed in not eating as much as normal. It's only maybe 3lb and the minute I eat normal I put the weight back on.

I did have gastroenteritis 4 weeks before I submitted the test but then again I have been having this loose stools for a year plus.

I feel lacking in energy a lot of the time. Just an overall feeling of weakness.

03-05-14, 12:46
It sounds like IBD to me but the tests will confirm that then you can deal with and sort out a suitable diet etc.

03-05-14, 12:54
Thanks Nicola

Is it possible to have had this for years though and it only being picked up now?

I've always had problems with diareah I think since my teens. At 23 I got campylobacter and was in hospital for a week. I requested a sigmoidoscopy and it came back as ibs.

I've always struggled with eating vegetables and they cause me a lot of wind. But things got worse about 4 years ago when I first developed anxiety. I had the right side pain then which led me to having a gallstones ultrasound and they found a cyst on my liver. MRI said benign. So I was told it was just ibs. Things got a bit better when my anxiety calmed down. Although every time I try to eat healthily salads etc I would get loose stools.

Then this time it's been going on for well over a year.

The thing is I'm overweight too, is this even possible with ibd?

03-05-14, 12:54
Hi there, glad you are getting further testing. I have crohn's myself and it isn't as scary as it used to be. There are so many treatments out there now. I've been in remission and med free for five years! So hang in there and keep us posted! :hugs:

03-05-14, 13:01
I was diagnosed with Crohn's late in life and I had bowel problems for many years and was told it was anxiety.

I am overweight

03-05-14, 13:12
Thanks ladies.

That's good to hear Amandala. I think things seem to have been mild for me. I only use the loo once per day. When I got the test result yesterday I was sick to my stomach and went 4 times but that's not usual for me.

It's more the reactions to foods.

Thanks Nicola. Can I ask if you were overweight prior to diagnosis? I know some meds can make people gain weight.

The funny thing is that after I had my second baby 1 year ago I was taking ages to recover from the tearing and I then developed an abscess and doctors kept asking me if I had any autoimmune diseases such as diabetics which I said no. I've also had issues with nasty mouth ulcers although not for a few months.

---------- Post added at 13:12 ---------- Previous post was at 13:11 ----------

Also meant to add I don't feel unwell as in can't get out of bed or like when I have a virus is just feel kinda rough hard to explain!

03-05-14, 13:14
Yes I was overweight LE and the only time I lost weight dramatically was when I had a crohn's flareup 5 years ago and was very ill and in hospital for 2 months but I soon regained the weight once I recovered from that.

I wasn't on any medication for the anxiety that caused the weight gain

IBD can affect any part of the digestive system so can be from the mouth all the way down the bowel and ending at the bum lol.

03-05-14, 14:17
Thanks Nicola

Lol well it maybe explains why I was getting abscesses etc!

03-05-14, 14:31
Hi LE,
I too have have had inner problems for several years. I'm 35, widowed a year ago and during the past year and a half have had quite a bit of stress in my life. Prior to my dramas, my movements were not too bad although if I ate McDonalds or Chinese, I'd find that I'd be running to the toilet maybe 20 minutes later.

Recently, I find that one day my poo is bright yellow and loose and next day it's brown and normal (sorry tmi!!), I see undigested food sometimes too (tomato skins, pepper skins, mushrooms, sweet corn....sorry gross I know). I keep thinking there is something serious wrong with me however then I think rationally and think the bright yellow could be the acidity of white wine, the loose stools could be spicy food (I live in the Middle East). There is no mucus, no blood and I am not losing any weight! I get stressed about this a lot as I think there must be something going on inside.

This will sound really bizarre but it's a thought in my head at the moment. I have quite a sore arm, outside upper arm where muscle is. I haven't been exerting myself and has been sore for months. At first I thought it was a draught from the AC but it hasn't gone away and it comes and goes. I now think what if my stomach problems are something bad and things have progressed and spread and now there is something in my arm. Writing it down sounds so silly but very much real in my head.

Then I try and bring myself round and think that maybe I have a food intolerance. I changed from white rice to brown last week and had no wine and my poo was fab!!!! For a mad HA sufferer you would think id be away running like mad to the doctor but I'm too afraid.

03-05-14, 16:54
I think a lot of people get undigested food in their stool sometimes ... especially things like corn, tomato skin, etc because those are harder to digest. I know it happens for me when I have vegetables or anything really high in fiber.

03-05-14, 17:24
Can I just ask those who do know about ibd...

From what I read about ibd people are going to the loo numerous times per day. For me I have been going just once per day. That's when it's porridge consistency.

At the moment I'm not finding like I went yesterday (more because I was anxious) and I've not been today ??? Is this even possible with ibd???

03-05-14, 17:43
it's porridge consistency.

Sorry you're dealing with this but as others are saying, it's treatable with diet and sometimes meds. From what you've been saying, it's not causing you too much difficulty.

That being said, this is a poo thread and the first thing that came to mind was....

"Poos porridge hot, Poos porridge cold, Poos porridge in the loo one day old" ;)

Positive thoughts

03-05-14, 21:19
Hey there, I can't speak for others, but my IBD actually presents itself by not being able to go. I think from the inflammation things get a little stuck...I haven't heard of too many people who have it this way though. I just know that I would be doubled over in pain wishing to just poo already!
Like FMP said. If it turns out you do have IBD- it seems pretty mild and you seem to be coping very well! Stay strong and try to stop reading too much about it! :)