View Full Version : advice please?

03-05-14, 14:01
Hi all,

Took one 20mg Citalopram yesterday at 10am for the first time and have not reacted very well to it at all, side effects are dry mouth and loos of appetite, both of which I can cope with and are perfectly manageable, however I also have constant sort of dizzyness, spaced out feeling and my anxiety has shot through the roof....I have never , ever felt so bad :( am I super sensitive? Or starting on too high a dose?

We are due to go abroad next week for a week in Majorca ( me hubby and 2 young children) I am so worried I will feel like this out there and ruin the holiday...and that in turn is making me more anxious.

I am considering not taking any more until I can see the doc again on Tuesday morning...or leaving until I get back from holiday? I have got 2 big family birthdays before we go away us the holiday itself and I simply can't cope even thinking about them when feel like this, never mind taking part and doing it

I can see that there are some really well educated, experienced people in terms if Citalopram users on this forum , your advice on the best way forward would be great :)

04-05-14, 00:52
Hi !
I don't know about being well educated but I'll give it a shot :)
It could be that you are better off starting on 10mg which is what I am on (just about to start fourth week). You can simply cut your tablet in half (tricky but doable).
The first two weeks are rough, there's no denying it BUT the payoff is so worth it. I would say try and stick with it now that you have started. I found the no appetite and insomnia hardest but they both passed in a few days.
I hope that helps.
Lisa x

04-05-14, 01:04
I would not take it until after the holiday as it could ruin it for you.

Take it when you get back

04-05-14, 01:05
Can I just ask what it is prescribed for as well? If you are able to go on holiday then I take it the anxiety is not that bad maybe?

04-05-14, 01:49
I had to cancel a holiday because of bad side effects .So I really would advise you to take these if necessary after you get back.
Anxiety symptoms are very often increased for a few weeks and this would really spoil your holiday,sounds like you are reacting like I did. It was terrible and I never want to feel like that again.That said it did help in the long run.But it took 2months for me to get on an even keel.
Your break away might be really helpful in relation to your problems.
See how you feel when you get home,you may feel you don,t need to take them.
I do hope you have a lovely holiday.
Please let us know how you are when you get back. Tc

04-05-14, 08:28
Thank you so much for your replies, much appreciated.

I have been given the tablets for anxiety, Nicola.

After waking during the night at 3am in a dreadful state I have taken the decision to not go on holiday. I have told my husband this morning and he is disappointed naturally but totally understands that I need to give myself time to get better.

I have also decided to reduce the dose to 10 mg and will take another one today...I am also going to the docs on Tuesday to ask him to sign me off work till the end of May.

If you could give me your thoughts on this I would appreciate it :)

Thanks again!

04-05-14, 09:17
Thank you so much for your replies, much appreciated.

I have been given the tablets for anxiety, Nicola.

After waking during the night at 3am in a dreadful state I have taken the decision to not go on holiday. I have told my husband this morning and he is disappointed naturally but totally understands that I need to give myself time to get better.

I have also decided to reduce the dose to 10 mg and will take another one today...I am also going to the docs on Tuesday to ask him to sign me off work till the end of May.

If you could give me your thoughts on this I would appreciate it :)

Thanks again!
Hi so sorry to hear you could not face the holiday but totally know how you feel and can empathise with you. I have had success with citalopram on and off over the last twenty years, I went back on them two months ago, I started on 10mgs a day and after a month went up to 20mgs and am now feeling the benifits again. Yes I agree it may be good to have a break from work while you start up and get settled. As many people on here will tell you start up can be grim but the benifits to many of us is worth the perseverance long term. Good luck and hope things improve for you. Xx:bighug1:

04-05-14, 09:27
Thank you so much for your reply:) so glad of a forum like this to lean on others for support, it can feel so lonely but knowing others feel or felt to same way is an inspiration xx