View Full Version : lower back and leg pains

Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 15:46
I am waiting for my doctor appointment but its not for two weeks. This all started about a month or so ago when my calf muscle got all tight out of nowhere. Before that I'd been having pain in my lower back on the right side, same side as calf. The calf tightness went on for a week. Then Istarted getting pains on the inside of both knees, like where they face each other. Then I ended up at ER. They did full bloodwork and everything came back fine. They did an ultrasound on my legs which came back fine. They did an xray on my chest bc I thought I may have bronchitis which I did and they gave me antibiotics. Well, its a few weeks later and my leg pains keep getting worse and worse. It feels like a combination of muscle and joint pain. All my joints keep cracking and popping which they dont usually do. My knees feel like they're gonna break off sometimes. I get sharp random pains and also aching.pain in my thighs, calves, and now even my feet hurt on the inner arch and sometimes outside as well. I also have been having pain in the area under my ribs and also tender spots when pressed. I've been getting tons of heartburn and burping and nausea when I eat lately. My lower back on the right feels worse than ever. If Itry to touch my chin to my chest my whole neck and back aches. All these pains are sscaring the hell out of me. Someone told m they thought sciatica because when all this started Ihad been ssleeping either on my son's floor or on our crummy couch. But I thought sciatica typically was one sided? I also get burning sensations in my but and sharp pains just under my butt on both sides. The part that freaks me out really bad is that the pains are in the same spot on both sides. Today I even had pain in my toes. I also had a day where I had pins and needles in my foot all night. I can't hardly function because all I can't think about is how bad my legs hurt. I keep cycling through all the horrible diseases it could be. My rational mind thinks it could be dehydration or pinched nerves due to my back being knotted up, but the bilateral pain is really terrifying me. I know no one can diagnose me, I just feel like something is very wrong. Also I feel like all my lymph nodes are swollen, some painful. I have many other symptoms but I don't wanna go on all day..... I just need someone to lend an ear

03-05-14, 15:52
It does sound a lot like sciatica ... I am pretty sure it can affect both sides and spreads all the way down from lower back through your butt and legs. I had a coworker who had it and was in excruciating pain like you describe. I think eventually she had some cortisone shots that helped.

I hope your appointment goes well.

Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 16:10
Do you know if it can cause pain in the bottom of the foot? I'm trying so hard not to Google

---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:56 ----------

I can't stop crying and my foot hurts so bad and my husband just keeps yelling at me to just go to the doctor and I'm so scared

Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 20:51
I'm sorry for being such a bother, I just want answers

03-05-14, 21:24

You've been to the ER and Urgent Care: "I have been to the urgent care twice and ER once in the last two months. They blame my problems on sinuses and other minor things"

So you've seen some medical professionals and there was nothing sinister going on. You've called about CBT so you're taking positive steps concerning your anxiety.

You'll be seeing the doctor shortly, right? Should be any day based on what you said... Be open and honest about what you're feeling. Make sure you write down your symptoms or just print out some of your threads.

It may not feel like it now but you'll get through this.

Positive thoughts

03-05-14, 21:32
Have you done CBT4Panic? I just downloaded it last night, and it might help you occupy your mind and work on things until your CBT comes through. It also might help you while waiting for your appointment in 2 weeks. If the doctors thought it was serious, they would get you in quicker than 2 weeks and I'm sure something would've shown up on the ultrasound you had.

Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 23:07
It's just so hard. I just feel like it's gotta be something really bad and I keep getting random pains all over and I feel like all my lymph nodes are swollen and/or hurt....I know it could be something non life threatening, but I just figure the doctors missed something before because I didn't have enough symptoms or I didn't complain about the right things. No I haven't tried CBT4Panic, what is that?

04-05-14, 05:06
No I haven't tried CBT4Panic, what is that?

I posted this on your fibromyalgia thread.....

"Here's the link http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=131665

At least sign up and download it. When you're up to it, start reading through it. It may not all apply but at least it's a start in the right direction. Do what I said and print out some of your posts. Show them to your doctor. Ask for help in dealing with your feelings, emotions and fears. It's Ok to do that. I did!"

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
04-05-14, 15:13
Thank you for the link

04-05-14, 17:11
I'm going through the same just now, its my forearms and the bottom of my right legs that are giving me problems.

I'm not entirely sure how to deal with this symptom, I keep thinking its the onslaught of a stroke but I'd imagine after three or four days the stroke would have happened by now?

Acceptance then hope it moves on to something else?

Getting fed up.

Worried 24/7
04-05-14, 17:15
Yeah, I'm fed up too. It's just getting worse and worse and I have your body pains too the legs are just worse and more constant

04-05-14, 17:22
Stick in there, I'm sure we will get through this, have you had any massages or anything like that could be down to muscle cramps/exhaustion?

I'm going to see about getting one this week.

Worried 24/7
04-05-14, 17:24
I haven't had a massage but I would loooove one. My lower back on the right has been hurting this whole time and just keeps getting worse as well. It really hurts when I bend over.

04-05-14, 17:26
maybe see about getting them, the leg and arms pains can come from knots in the back restricting the muscles of what they need. Plus being anxious you are always very tense.

One would maybe not be the answer but after a few you would notice a difference.

Worried 24/7
04-05-14, 17:28
Thank you. I hope that's my problem. I've been severely stressed and worried which would probably just make my back knot up even more

04-05-14, 17:30
I find myself being very good at giving advice but can't stick to it myself ha.

But honestly give it a go.

Worried 24/7
04-05-14, 18:28
Yeah, it's so easy to take a logical look at someone else's life, but not your own

04-05-14, 18:29
very true.