View Full Version : Shaky Muscles

03-05-14, 18:31
Hi all,

Just wondering if you could help me put to rest some worry I've been having. For the past while I've been dealing with some shaky/trembling muscles, particularly in my shoulders, neck, and wrists (both sides equally). It's not a tremor -- it doesn't bother me while I'm at rest -- but when I move my arms, immediately I feel the muscles in my shoulders start to shake and vibrate.

I don't think there's any muscle weakness. It's not preventing me from doing regularly activities... but it's definitely making me feel anxious because I can't figure out what's causing it. Could anxiety be the issue? Has this happened to anyone else?

I'm trying to not think about it, but it's tough when I'm aware of it happening all day. And I have a habit of fixating on this stuff, and worrying that it's more than it probably is.

If anyone has any experience with something like this, I'd really appreciate hearing it and putting my mind at ease!


04-05-14, 04:12
You know, I really think that if you are able to manage a session with a registered massage therapist, he or she can help (okay, I have to say I prefer men generally just because they have stronger hands for deep tissue/pressure point stuff). They really know their stuff and can probably give you some answers, as muscle knowledge is their thing! They know how and where they connect and what effects what ... Plus, you really DO feel so relaxed afterwards! I know they cost about double what an esthetician/spa tech does, but it is so worth it!
Marie :hugs:

21-09-14, 00:31
Old thread, I know...but this is exactly what Im experiencing if anyone has advice. Kinda trembling muscles in my arms/hands and although my muscles are able to do everything, they feel a bit shaky and weak when I do. Basically like the day after you workout - you know how your muscles feel sort of jelly and weak and shaky if you try to reuse the muscles you just worked out on? Thats what its felt like to me all week. I dont notice it when Im sleeping or just sitting still, but whenever I need to move my arms or hands to do something its like they arent as stable and steady as normal. I am really stressed out at the moment (getting ready to move) and worrying about this isnt helping Im so freaked out!

12-12-14, 08:27
My hands are terrible shaky right now have been for a few weeks. one is worse than the oother, and worse in my little finger. I can lift my children and things like that but small tasks like typing this is very difficult,
its freaking me out.
What worries me about it , is it doesn't seem to be realted to panicky situations or feeling anxious, it happens at rest and calm.

12-12-14, 10:44
I tend to get a feel that my shoulder or thigh muscle has gone to sleep.This sometimes makes me feel light headed.