View Full Version : Not coping at all

03-05-14, 18:45
I've spent the day feeling ill and in tears and everything's just getting too much for me. I can't get rid of this genuine belief that I'm dying and I can't accept that it's anxiety. Everyone around me is telling m I'll be fine, that I'm not going to die anytime soon, that I'm safe to sleep, but I just can't believe them. I have so many symptoms that just make me feel like it's 'proof' that I'm right and I am dying, and it makes me cry so much because I've never felt more alone in my life. Today I woke up and tested my heart rate and it was high at 96 which worried me. I tested it lots through out morning and it was fluctuating lots but staying really high. When I had a bath and was just walking around upstairs, even standing still, it kept being at 140 odd! I sat down and it was at 100 and I stood up and it went straight up to 130. The only time it's really gone down and to 75 is when I was hysterically crying, which surely is the opposite of what it should be? Then it went straight back up again. I'm sure there's something wrong with my heart from the way I feel and I just know I'm dying. I can't stop crying and I'm terrified. There's so many things I want to do, places I want to go and people I want to be with and I know I'm going to die and kiss out I if all and leave them all behind. On Tuesday I have college and I'm looking forward to it because my teacher has been helping me and talking time about it all and it's good to get it off my chest, but I just know I'm going to die before then and I don't know what to do :(.

03-05-14, 19:39
Chloe I am sad you are still suffering. What is the weather like with you today? It's been glorious here and I know getting outside always makes me feel better.
My pulse is pretty much like yours. It fluctuates wildly. It can go from 60 when I wake up to 70 when I sit up to 100 when I stand up in the morning. But I try to ignore it now. I just try to get on with my day and eventually it calms back down when I'm sat down again.
What is happening now re your anxiety? Are you seeing the gp again any time soon?

03-05-14, 19:44
Chloe love I can really relate to.how your feeling and I can gaurantee most people here can too ,all the feelings your having I have experienced I too thought I was dying I couldnt and wouldnt believe this was anxiety ,Anxiety it one of the most debilitating illnesses you can have it plays games with your mind telling us we have this that and the other that then turns into awful symptoms .

The key to it is believe and accept once you can do this you will start to recover its along battle but it is a battle you can win you can do it stay strong ,I know its hard I really do I have been were you are but im coming out the other side with the help of my gp and thearapist they have been brilliant I hope you can start to recover soon goid luck xx

03-05-14, 20:04
Rainbow, my GP knows but they don't take anything I say seriously because of my anxiety.

Mummyanxious - I'm panicking so much, I wish I could make it stop. I can feel myself slipping away and I've been crying for the past 6 hours. I'll see a GP this week after the bank holiday hopefully, if I can get an appointment. I have a psych appointment at the end of May. I am shivering and just know I'm dying. I'm not sure what to do, I feel like I'm never going to see the people I love again. The weather was nice here too but I couldn't make myself get up because I've been in such a state

---------- Post added at 20:04 ---------- Previous post was at 19:46 ----------

Mrs Stress Ed - It feels like a sixth sense or something, like there's no reasoning with myself, I just know I'm dying. I feel like I know it'll be tonight :(

03-05-14, 20:43
Ok so here's a question, lets say for arguments sake you are going to die in two days. Are you going to lay in bed and miss these people you love so much and die or are you going to go outside I the sun and laugh and live with these people and then die? That may sound daft but whatever is going to happen is going to happen and lying inside hiding you'll miss those moments.you are so very young and I don't want you to be like this in 10 years time.
I really do recommend the Clare weekes books and 'at last a life'. Especially the latter.

05-05-14, 22:33
Chloe I hope your okay love how are you feeling today xx