View Full Version : I don't really know where to begin or what to say but want to make some friends :)

03-05-14, 20:39
Hi I am 25 and after some bad life experiences mixed in with some poor choices I have found myself pretty much friendless and suffering from various mental health issues. I think the most obvious is social anxiety, agoraphobia and panic disorder. Massively struggle with meeting and interacting with people as I think I am crazy if i'm honest and I am scared of being judged - scared of writing this if i am honest in case who ever reads this thinks I am weird.. But I hope I can meet people going through the same struggles and fighting to beat their demons.
So yeah please message me if you want I dont bite

04-05-14, 00:03

Agoraphobic Rachel
04-05-14, 16:21
Hi i can relate to you very well i dont know why i experience my first panic attack but i am now agoraphobic and have panic attacks/anxiety with every day to day thing i try to do. at the moment im finding it hard to get out of the house. dont be afraid to speak to people it does help your not mad and you should never feel embarassed

05-05-14, 00:20
thanks all :)