View Full Version : Weird Lump on back of head

03-05-14, 22:59
I recently Noticed a lump on the back of my head above my neck and across from my Left ear it is the size of a pea or marble and I can move it around a little bit but it stays in the same place. The lump is tender soft and hard I told my mom about it and she said go to the school nurse so I did and she told me it was a plugged hair follicle But I don't believe it because I feel nauseated for the past 2 days it does hurt sometimes when I chew or touch it to much, my mom won't bring me to the doctor because she thinks it's just my anxiety and she keeps telling me that's it's nothing to worry about yet I do feel sick and I don't know what to do P.S. I am a boy 13 years old

03-05-14, 23:04
It's right where my thumb is but you can't see it because of my long hair