View Full Version : Hello there!

04-05-14, 04:45
Hey everyone!

I've been coming to this site for the last month or so and finally decided to join the forums.

I believe my anxiety can date back to my early teen years, but I just started experiencing it in full effect approximately 6 months ago when I had my first panic attack. I was triggered from taking the pill. This caused me to develop some health anxiety along with GAD and depression. I went through a spout of depression approximately 2 years ago but never sought help for it. I somehow managed to get through it by myself.

I have since started seeing a psychologist and I am not taking any medication.

My health anxiety tends to come and go and it's mainly from the symptoms such as racing heart, aching legs etc., which I connect to a heart attack and dvt respectively.

It has been brought to my attention that I tend to use these thoughts as a distraction for dealing with my real life problems. I become so consumed in my anxiety and frustrated that it won't go away that I don't adequately deal with my issues that are causing the anxiety.

So basically, I'm stuck in a cycle where I worry so much about the symptoms of anxiety, anxiety itself and that it won't go away, that I don't think the issues I am facing cause my anxiety, if that makes any sense at all.

I've had a really tough past month as I believed I was really starting to get a hold on the thoughts but then a lot of issues arisen, I had a panic attack and have basically felt like I am back to square one. I've had friends decide that they can't handle me anymore and have decided to leave me behind - which i don't particularly hold that against them as I have grown quite sick of myself too! As cliche as that sounds.

I've also managed to put so much pressure on myself in my studies that I am incredibly burnt out and struggling to get assessment pieces submitted on time. On top of that, public speaking makes me very anxious and panicky and I have 4 oral assessments to complete. That is adding a great deal of stress on me.

I've also been overweight my entire life and in the last 4 months, I have managed to lose 15kg. However, I seem to have hit a wall and my depression is encouraging some really bad eating habits. I haven't gained any of the weight I have lost but I haven't lost anymore either. This is making me incredibly worried as I have put a lot of pressure on myself to lose the weight and I just don't want to fail at this point. This has also given me quite a bit of body image issues and social anxiety - particularly meeting new people. My friends seem to all be getting boyfriends and I struggle to even say hi to males!

If that isn't enough, I also have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which makes my hormones insane and imbalanced and makes it a lot harder to lose weight.

I basically joined this forum to chat to people who can relate to me because I am struggling to find friends who can understand what I'm going through. Also, I don't want to be so negative towards my friends because I know it will drive them away in the end!

Thanks for the read :-) I already feel slightly better getting that out in the open.

04-05-14, 10:19
Hi and :welcome: to the site /forum