View Full Version : Pills containing caffeine

04-05-14, 08:45
Never again.....

But, do you feel worse if U take pills containing caffeine?

Took 2 for period pain ...... an hour after my anxiety went through the roof ... never again....

04-05-14, 13:25
I started a post about these recently.

Absolutely horrendous anxiety for several hours after I took them and all the next day.

They have as much caffeine in them as red bull/espresso etc.

04-05-14, 14:17

tell me about it ... feeling icky hours later..prefer the period pains~~

Worried 24/7
04-05-14, 14:59
My friend had her very first attack after taking diet pills loaded with caffeine

05-05-14, 10:18
My friend had her very first attack after taking diet pills loaded with caffeine

oh gosh...that says alot then..

Worried 24/7
05-05-14, 11:32
Yeah, I used to take exedrine migraine for my headaches and then after I started having anxiety attacks I took two without even thinking about them having caffeine in them. Then I had a huge anxiety attack and was like, what the heck??? Then I remembered they had caffeine in them. Caffeine is my main cause of anxiety. I drink coffee but I'm very careful to walk that fine line so I don't get panicky

05-05-14, 16:53
i avoid all caffeine..

u just forget they could be in pills... reading the ingrediants from now on..

07-05-14, 13:33
Tablets containing caffeine really effects my disease of panic attack badly so i will advice here to not to use caffeine base tablets

07-05-14, 21:52
Anadin extra have caffeine in (& paracetamol & asperin). They are the only painkiller that works for me. I have tried others (even paracetamol & codeine) but if I have a bad headache or period pains, nothing else will touch it. I'd rather not have anything with caffeine in but it seems to be my only option, they put caffeine in as it helps the tablets work.p I believe, if you took that ingredient out, they would be far less effective, usually bout 20 mins after I take them, I start feeling happier.

08-05-14, 06:01
Tessar I agree with you that you will get a relief after 20 minutes in fact you will get a quick relief after taking caffeine base tablets but trust me these tablets are going to effect your health badly.

08-05-14, 19:43
Joseoh, u r rite. I try to avoid taking them.usually if I do it's got to be a bad headache (usually a hormonal migraine) or period pains. Temptation could be to take them to feel better on a bad day but I know that's the road to ruin. Actually I had some today because for period pans and a yukky headache.... Blasted hormones. Generally speaking, they are the main cause of me taking painkillers.

09-05-14, 15:03
Personally I do not have a problem with caffiene, but I know it is a problem for many people with anxiety/panic. It's in some painkillers like Anadin Extra because it does help the Paracetamol to work more effectively, but sometimes it's necessary to sacrifice some of the benefits if it doesn't agree with you x