View Full Version : Start again after 10 days off?

04-05-14, 09:08
Hey guys,

I'm new here, freshly registered. :) I hope you won't mind my 1st post being about asking for advice.

Also before I start, thanks for that survival guide sticky. I read it and it's greatly helpful material.

Alright, well let's get into it. I stopped my Citalopram use of 20mg ~10 days ago. I think I was on it for a bit less than a year now (with plenty other SSRIs preceding this one too).

I stopped impulsively while in cold turkey opiate withdrawals (talk about great timing), as I wanted to take tramadol to stop those horrible withdrawals then, all the while wanting to reduce the risk of serotonin syndrome. (For those who wouldn't know, Tramadol + SSRI's = trouble)

I didn't end up using Tramadol and am towards the end of my opiate WDs now, with no intention of using again.

I'm feeling very weak and dizzy, which may come from sleep deprivation. 3 days ago I got truly manic and got into the biggest fist of anger against my family I might have ever had in my life. I was seriously flippin', losing it, yelling at the top of my lungs repeating all that I hated about this place, kicking whatever was around, ready to break anything (now got an effed up door, great). There was a trigger though: my mom coming home from work drunk, yet again. It happens often, but I'm usually not that aggressive.

Anyway, the reason I made this thread is to ask, should I stay off Citalopram now that I stopped taking it, or start taking it again? I'm afraid of getting early side effect symptoms again as I already have bad insomnia which I dread worsening. Then again I feel so depressed these days. Then I keep wondering, which symptoms may come from SSRI discontinuation, and which from the 'left-over' opiate withdrawals symptoms. Another thing I ask myself, was Citalopram even doing anything to me? I mean I was getting high on morphine for 2 years+. So how would I know if it actually made a difference.. If I get back on Citalopram I may never know. Or, could I go back on it for now and only later maybe taper, as to avoid bad discontinuation syndrome? Would it be like starting anew if I did that, as far as early side-effects go, and for my serotonin levels to 'readjust'? How long could I be expected to wait to go back to where I was before I stopped, *if* I choose that route?

Sorry for such a lengthy post. I hope you guys can give me a few insights because I'm really at a loss here and feeling quite bad. Seriously.

Thanks in advance!

05-05-14, 05:59
Read this only, if 1st post's too long

Will it be like starting all over again if I haven't taken my doses in almost 2 weeks?
Should I start again or continue not taking it (in your opinion)?


05-05-14, 07:35
Hi there

I was previously on 10mg and stopped with no real issues, however, it is better if you wean yourself off.

Personally, if I I had already gone 2 weeks and wanted to stop then I would probably not take anymore.

All the best

06-05-14, 05:36
Hi there

I was previously on 10mg and stopped with no real issues, however, it is better if you wean yourself off.

Personally, if I I had already gone 2 weeks and wanted to stop then I would probably not take anymore.

All the best

Thanks Marty.

Called my psychiatrist, he recommended I get back on it. But then again, he's the pill provider so I expected such an answer.

He said I shouldn't feel discontinuation symptoms after 2 weeks, even though I read otherwise everywhere.