View Full Version : Ok I'm getting worried about this now

04-05-14, 11:14
I am going to go to the doctors, but can't until tuesday.
But I keep having sharp stabbing pains in my chest, normally on the left side above/near to my heart, at absolutly random times every single day. They kind of leave me, not exactly short of breath, but gasping for a second or two after they happen as it feels like my heart just pounded really strongly.

I've been having various types of chest pain for the past 4 months; sharp and dull and achy, again at random times.
I've had 2 ecgs and blood tests and their fine apparently. Just fast heart rate.

I also feel naseous a lot, and a bit like there's something in my chest and stomach that's preventing me from breathing easily, like a mucusy feeling in my throat (although when I try it seems ok most of the time) and a huge air bubble in my body or something that feels like my insides are sinking, if that makes sense at all.
I've had this for about 4 months to varying degrees, and it doesn't seem to be getting worse, just changing a lot, so I guess I'm not going to die.
But that doesn't stop me from worrying, as even when I ignore it it doesn't go away and it does feel like I'm just going to collapse at any point.
Some please tell me what I can do, if anything.

04-05-14, 11:50
Hi Alice,

It seems this is bothering you a lot and it is good that your are going to the doctors to get some reassurance that you are okay.

I know that having these pains can make to so darn difficult to not come to the worse conclusion. Anxiety and stress can cause you to unknowingly tense your chest muscles which can build up tension in those areas.

What I usually tell myself in such situations is "this has lasted x amount of time, it has not gotten worse and I am still alive" or something along the lines.

You say that you ignore it and it doesn't go away. Try to accept that these pains are most likely a result of your anxiety and then go about your day as you would. It is hard at first, but persist. As soon as you find yourself thinking negatively about the pains, shut it off. Remind yourself that you are okay.

How many times have you had these pains and how many times have you died? Take comfort in that. Also take comfort in the fact that a medical profession gave you the all clear!

You can do this :)

04-05-14, 12:15
Hi Alice,

It seems this is bothering you a lot and it is good that your are going to the doctors to get some reassurance that you are okay.

I know that having these pains can make to so darn difficult to not come to the worse conclusion. Anxiety and stress can cause you to unknowingly tense your chest muscles which can build up tension in those areas.

What I usually tell myself in such situations is "this has lasted x amount of time, it has not gotten worse and I am still alive" or something along the lines.

You say that you ignore it and it doesn't go away. Try to accept that these pains are most likely a result of your anxiety and then go about your day as you would. It is hard at first, but persist. As soon as you find yourself thinking negatively about the pains, shut it off. Remind yourself that you are okay.

How many times have you had these pains and how many times have you died? Take comfort in that. Also take comfort in the fact that a medical profession gave you the all clear!

You can do this :)

hi, yeah it's just been going on for a while so I just want to know what's the matter, if anything. It's got to the point where I actually would welcome a disease just to know how to treat it/live with it.
I know, it happens every day, most days, but you know when symptoms vary and you haven't taken tabs on them enough so you start to think that it could be getting worse or something's progressing or something. And then your mind starts coming up with senarios.
Ok, thank you. I'm just going to ask the doctor to do some tests straight out just to rule things out because if all of this is caused by anxiety and stress then wow.

04-05-14, 12:34
You poor thing!

Have you/are you seeing a therapist about this? I've been getting help and learning how to challenge my thoughts so I'd recommend giving CBT a go if you haven't already.

and good idea RE: doctor!

Good luck

04-05-14, 16:42
You poor thing!

Have you/are you seeing a therapist about this? I've been getting help and learning how to challenge my thoughts so I'd recommend giving CBT a go if you haven't already.

and good idea RE: doctor!

Good luck

I haven't, as I never really liked the idea of them, (what would I talk about, it just seems very awkward) but I guess I might try. I think my uni has a counselling service.
If you don't mind, may I ask you how you're coping, and if you've had a similar excess of physical symptoms? I'm a bit worried that when someone does happen I'm going to miss it and/or just pass it off as anxiety.
Thank you xxx

04-05-14, 17:46
It could be Costochondritis, that can be really painfull, always makes me gasp for a second and as you have said its been going on for a while so would think its not going to be fatal, go see Doc and get him to decide, does it hurt in the place you get it if you press on the area?

04-05-14, 20:38
It could be Costochondritis, that can be really painfull, always makes me gasp for a second and as you have said its been going on for a while so would think its not going to be fatal, go see Doc and get him to decide, does it hurt in the place you get it if you press on the area?

When I went to the doctor he said that too, but it doesn't hurt when I press on it, no. And I can't recreate it either, it just happens at absolutly random times. I also took ibuprofen for a week but that did nothing.

I guess it feels like an electric shock sometimes, as it really makes me jump and my head shifts into 'oh my god' mode. But it normally passes with no lasting symptoms, until it happens again.

My left arm/shoulder and neck/jaw ache/tingle sometimes but I can't tell if that actually caused by anxiety. Wheras I'm pretty sure this isn't.

04-05-14, 21:34
Maybe the pain causes panic to appear and that's where the tingles come from,
Just read this after you said about electric shock type pain, I think it makes sense and is not scary


05-05-14, 00:20
Maybe the pain causes panic to appear and that's where the tingles come from,
Just read this after you said about electric shock type pain, I think it makes sense and is not scary


that's so very helpful thank you.
I've had numbness and tingling in my left hand and jaw/neck all evening, along with the chest pains and it's making me so anxious.
I've just taken 2 nytol tablets after being awake until 4am last night and countless nights before, and now I'm slightly panicked that theyre going to cause something to happen even though it's just valerian and hops, or even that going to sleep is going to result in my death, which I know is ridiculous in a way.
This is just so scary and frustrating.