View Full Version : Sooo scared of Kidney or bladder cancer :(

04-05-14, 17:06
So 2 weeks ago I developed a real bad back left side, ended up at walk in centre where my urine tested for trace of blood in dipstick, went to my gp few days later and still urine on dipstick and when sample was sent off ,it showed traces of blood. Fast forward 2weeks and I have been reffered non urgently to urology end of June and also for an ultrasound scan in 2 weeks, I am absolutely past myself.
It is not a uti because test didn't pick it up, I have no uti symptoms such as burning or frequency.
The only niggle I'm getting is around my left flank/kidney area , my lower back is still sore but it has got better since my first visit to walk in, this is easily relieved by heat packs. So I don't even know if the back is related to the trace blood in urine, however I have an awful feeling that the flank pain is indeed my kidney :wacko:
Can't help thinking of bladder and kidney cancer.
I am a 31 year old female, don't smoke or drink but I am slightly overweight.
I am so scared and can't focus on anything but this .

04-05-14, 18:09
First, please relax! It very well could be a kidney stone, kidney infection etc. my father in law had both bladder and kidney cancer. His first symptom was peeing blood....straight red blood, not traces of blood found only by a stick! I mean blood that included clotty tissue like he was having a heavy period but it was urine. Until your test, I would increase water intake and add organic apple cider vinegar to your water. Also, one Fanta orange soda will help bc it too kills bacteria in the. UT. Good luck!

04-05-14, 19:27
I have been reffered non urgently to urology end of June and also for an ultrasound scan in 2 weeks...I am a 31 year old female, don't smoke or drink

Focus on "non urgently". If indeed the medical professionals felt it was something serious it would have been "urgent". The scan is a normal diagnostic tool. The doctors are doing exactly what they're supposed to do. If they found a trace of blood and didn't refer you, you'd be just as upset right?

Positive thoughts

04-05-14, 20:12
Your right , I would be distraught if they didn't refer me. I just can't win.
My brain focuses on little niggles and magnifies it a million percent.

04-05-14, 20:19
My brain focuses on little niggles and magnifies it a million percent.

If only my brain could do that with the dollar bill in my pocket ;)

Positive thoughts