View Full Version : In a pickle....thoughts...

04-05-14, 17:37
Some of you will know my story but I'm 16weeks into my medication and generally...yes, I'm better but I'm finding that my hormones are really interfering and are the cause of my bad days. I can go from being really good to suddenly my mood dropping during ovulation and the run up to my due on date. It then makes my anxiety soo bad and although I know it will pass its really putting me down. I'm thinking of going doctors to get my hormones checked out but I am a bit fearful of him suggesting I try a different med altogether and what with just getting a new job....not sure it would be wise as I don't cope well with SSRI types initially and certainly can't have time off in the first 2weeks of starting! In a right pickle now..my moods seem to be controlled by my hormones...I never used to be like this! I'm only 22!

04-05-14, 17:53
My moods are extreme too cause of hormones. So much so that my boyfriend can tell me I'm acting extra crazy before I realise myself. And then a few days later I think ahh that makes sense now. I'm only 21 and I've been like this for a few years now!

04-05-14, 18:00
I've only been like this since my breakdown. Its harming my recovery from anxiety completely. I wasn't like this before :/

04-05-14, 18:04
Maybe was the hormones contributing to the breakdown? Your thyroid hormone could affect your moods and make anxiety worse if it's out of balance so it could be that? My doctor wants to check that since I've had similar problems as well as other hormone problems!

04-05-14, 18:20
Possible. Although the amount of stress I've had since having my son...it was likely to do with just being overstressed. Its just my hormones keep making my anxiety very 'current' thyroid problems are in my mums side of family. My mum hasn't got it but I suppose that doesn't rule me out. Regardless...its my hormones that keep throwing me off track! Its so disheartening when you start to get better. It sends me round in circles! Xx

04-05-14, 18:44
hi rach

hormones do play a big part in our anxiety, could it be that you have been hormonal around that time of the month all along and your breakdown has made you more sensative to it and aware of it if that makes sense. thyroid symptoms can mimic anxiety symptons especially if its overactive i know ive been there speak with your gp see what he/she thinks it could be that the pill is all you need take care hun and hope you get it sorted soon xx

04-05-14, 19:12
I used to get stroppy/irritable but not anxious or depressed. It feels totally different now. Its really uncomfortable as I know its not how I used to be. I know it will pass again but it just feels like I never actually get better just because I'm a stupid woman! It sucks xx

04-05-14, 19:17
Up until a few months ago I hadn't had depression in my whole life so it really scared me when I first felt like that. I'm the same I used to get irritable and teary, but not actually depressed feeling.. Although I've always been a worrier! Hopefully you'll find a way to calm it down, it's really not a nice feeling!

04-05-14, 19:57
This breakdown was my first ever episode of anxiety/depression too. Recovery is rather a bumpy thing...the only thing that stops me completely getting better now is these stupid hormones. I did wonder if birth control pills would help but have heard they can cause low mood too. I've been on them before but only for painful periods as a teenager and the obvious reason...to not get pregnant xx

04-05-14, 20:56
Hi there. Since my breakdown 4 months ago, which I am far from being out of yet, my ovulation and period times have become extremely crazy. It's during those times that I am personally questioning my sanity. My pdoc actually wants my hormones tested and I have an appointment tomorrow. She told me that if things are all crazy that they can put me on supplements and things for adrenal support. My thyroid is fine but she wants to check all of those stress and estrogen type hormones. I'm a little scared of what they will find but maybe I can get some relief.
She did actually want me to try birth control since she thinks they would help, so you could try that. I'm scared of BC and once I'm back to functioning again I'd like to start a family with my husband do I didn't want to do that.

04-05-14, 21:10
Well yes, that's another thing too. I don't really want to go on birth control as ideally me and my hubby were thinking of baby number 2, but equally..I'm deffo not ready for baby 2 until I'm much better and more myself. I was just worried that if I start birth control, it will make it harder for me to get pregnant when I come off- however I was on birth control from like age 14-17 and then got pregnant at 18.. so maybe it's not that bad.

Thats good your pdoc wants to test your hormones. I'm hoping my doctor will be just as enthusiastic about giving it a go. I just feel totally crazy around ovulation and leading up to my period- I've never ever felt like this before...only since I did get poorly..and it's just preventing me from making a full recovery..because I slide straight back..and then have to work on myself again.. arghh..being a woman sucks!!!