View Full Version : Another bad day

04-05-14, 17:50
Hi all
I'm quite new to this forum so thought I would say hi , I've mostly read other posts and posted 1 but I need to get this off my chest , l feel terrible today keep thinking I'm going to just collapse I'm convinced as my eyes feel so tired and have done for months now even though I had enough sleep , I also look tired , I've getting a tingle in my little finger which is worrying me I'm thinking it could be start of a stroke ,I'm also getting weird sensation in my legs so I'm thinking that could be a sign of a possible blood clot . the top of my back is hurting I'm convinced it's lung cancer . It's just one thing after another . I'm just really scared I don't even want to eat and I'm thin enough . I did drink a fair bit of wine yesterday which seems to make my HA worse so I've got to stop drinking , as it's not helping matters , as I'm typing this the tingle into little finger has spread to all over hand I'm really worried now . Gosh this is a terrible thing I need to get some help

04-05-14, 18:25

All though this may not help, everything you have listed is anxiety and you are in the right place.

Have you been to the dr's? Obviously I'm not qualified to tell you otherwise but...

I have pretty much experienced all the symptoms you've listed at one point or another due to anxiety, the trick(not easy) it just to remind yourself it is anxiety.

I drink a lot also and find that the day after is by the worst as far as your anxiety symptoms go.

Anyway hopefully you feel a little better knowing you are not the only one.