View Full Version : I hate this feeling!

04-05-14, 18:57
Hi there, I've had HA on and off for about 5 years now. It started w an irrational fear of HIV after my hubby had repeat staph infections (thanks Dr. google). From there, it went to throat cancer, vulvar cancer, heart disease, and lately...in the past week...my son had Cystic Fibrosis, my daughter had Leukemia, and me...lymphoma bc of a swollen muscle in my neck that isn't even a lymph node, but is close to my nodes so it must be cancer.

We have all 3 had bloods done so rational me knows everyone is ok. My son actually had reflux preventing him from gaining weight properly. My daughter had a uti causing her WBC count to rise some (no where near leukemia by the way as it was right at 10k) and I let me chiropractor look at my neck. He confirmed, pulled muscle bc that is the side I always hold my son on.

So why can't I get past the feelings even though I know everyone is ok?! The pit in my tummy feelings won't go away. Ugh....I hate anxiety! Any tips on how to clear the fog and most past this? Why do I have to keep telling myself over and over that the dr isn't wrong, the labs are not wrong, the chiropractor is not wrong and we are all fine. What is wrong w me?

04-05-14, 20:01
Just wanted to let u know, I'm exactly the same even thou told things I believe what I want and always think the worse. Not sure why we do it either :(

04-05-14, 20:26
I'm The same also it's terrible only right now in thinking I'm going to collapse die , as I have bit of a headache , I've had ecg s but never had an MRI scan so there could be a blood clot there . I am actually hoping it is anxiety but it's hard to believe that could be causing all these symptoms x

04-05-14, 23:32
I find it to be an endless loop! First worry about the new symptom...then google for reassurance and make it all worse. Next go to dr who tells me it's fine but runs whatever test anyway. Then it's time to stress about the test. Results come back in and I must have my own copy and then I question if the lab made a mistake, did the dr overlook something, did he miss school that day and doesn't know what to look for, maybe he doesn't want to scare me so he doesn't really tell me the real results...I could go on and on and on. And in the midst of this, if I hear or see one commercial or ad about whatever ailment, it's a sure sign I have it and I'm now over the edge!