06-12-06, 23:01
Hiya everyone,

Just wanted to write this because i'm having a really horrible time.Thought things were picking up over the last few weeks and then over the last few days been able to feel it creeping up on me again....

Over the last few nights,not getting very much sleep at all,waking up in the middle of the night feeling very anxious and panicky and then finally getting back off to sleep only to be getting up at 7.

Got up this morning and the anxiety and panic had kicked in really bad,had severe headache and upset stomach all day as well as panic after panic after panic.My stomach feels like a cement mixer and i'm exhausted as i write this but know i wont be able to sleep.

I feel in despair because it feels like every time you think youre getting somewhere,its back again in full force.Each time i find it harder to pick myself back up....What gets to me is the way i feel physically,i feel soooooo ill and then the anxiety and panic on top of that is almost too much to bear.

I also feel so alone,even though i have a wonderful husband and family,they just dont know what its like.The thoughts of dread and doom are there aswell.I just feel crap,i'm so sick of it:(...

Thanks for listening....Candie xxxxxxxx

06-12-06, 23:18
Please hang in there Candie. Panic is so awful but these feelings will pass. Try and enjoy your panic free moments as much as possible. Is hard when your stomach feels like lead (my least favourite aspect). Nobody who hasn't had it can understand but the people on this website do so please try and get some restx


06-12-06, 23:34
Hi Candie,

Sometimes it can feel like you are taking two steps forward then one back, I have been where you are and probably will again. Just remember tomorrow is a bright new day, you will get through this.

Hugs to you


06-12-06, 23:48
Hi Candie,things will get better pet,take a day at a time.;)

Ellen XX

07-12-06, 00:44
Hi Candie,

I agree totally with everyone else. One day at a time.xxx

Take Care
