View Full Version : Bad anxiety all day

04-05-14, 20:36
I woke up feeling good and refreshed today which for me is very rare , I'm not a good sleeper. I left early for work so I could go to Costa Coffee shop , just a little treat for myself , having a large coffee was very relaxing and it woke me up. However , one hour after having the coffee anxiety kicked in I felt really shaky , panicky , nervous , to be honest I really thought I was going insane and I felt like crying. I've been feeling bad all day , I still do , at one point of the day I had a hypoglycaemia attack so I ate some chocolate then I felt ok-ish. This is crazy I haven't felt like this in a very long time and I feel so vulnerable

04-05-14, 20:43
Hi hun

Sorry to hear you are not too good:(

Do you think it might have been the coffee? It maybe made you feel anxious and nervous, then maybe you started worrying about how you felt and then started spiralling?

Just a thought.

Hugs xx

04-05-14, 20:53
It probably was the coffee as it normally does make me anxious. I would give up but I find it so hard as I need it to wake me up and I love having a coffee , the whole ritual excites me. I'm a natural worrier to start off with lol

04-05-14, 21:10

Just agreeing with Jackie, to say sorry you are feeling so rubbish.
I can understand why you like going to a coffee shop as I like the idea, it is like a ritual and you can relax and take time out. For me it's a sort of treat that doesn't cost as much as other kinds of retail therapy! I was away on a work conference once and had so much coffee and cola offered to me (but no water or juices as an option) I was totally hyper and ended up in the hotel lobby at 4am not knowing what to do with myself. That was a long day:wacko:

04-05-14, 21:26
Lol I only drink 3 cups of coffee and 1 cup of tea per day , keeps me going. I hate that most people can drink coffee with no problems but not me though , not with my luck , I get everything lol

04-05-14, 21:32
Hiya Dave,
Sorry you've had a bad day,if its any comfort mines not been very good either...lots of anxiety.Bit better now though,hope you are too.
Those coffees in Costa are lovely,but the large ones are HUGE!,I find I can hardly lift the cup up sometimes! Lol.

04-05-14, 21:34
Aww sorry to hear you've felt bad today. I'm having a rubbish time too at the mo with my anxiety..but my reason is hormones! lol I hate coffee...luckily, but I love tea... and quite partial to a few pepsi's a day...probably shouldnt..as I get really jittery xx

04-05-14, 21:36
Lol they are huge but I need it to wake me up , yes I'm addicted. I don't understand why there so much conflict with in myself I'm my own worst enemy lol

04-05-14, 21:40
Are you diabetic,have you considered caffine free

04-05-14, 21:43
I'm not diabetic no and i've been tested twice. I usually get hypoglycaemia attacks. Caffeine free sounds good but like I said I need it as I'm chemically dependent on caffeine lol

04-05-14, 21:43
Please don't get me wrong,but hearing other people have had anxiety today makes me feel better.Not that I'm glad you've all had it :ohmy: but its comforting to know im not on my own :hugs:

---------- Post added at 21:43 ---------- Previous post was at 21:41 ----------

Lol they are huge but I need it to wake me up , yes I'm addicted. I don't understand why there so much conflict with in myself I'm my own worst enemy lol

I think we can all be guilty of that!

04-05-14, 21:45
Yes it is comforting to know others have it. It's just sad because it would be nice to know people in person with the same problems

04-05-14, 21:53
There's so many people walking around who are going through this as well,its just that they don't talk about it,so everyone thinks that everyone else is fine....

04-05-14, 21:56
Well the biggest problem with the illnesses we have is...that they are invisable. We probably underestimate the amount of people we walk past each day that are familiar or are going through/have been through what we are going through. It's just to everyone else..we all look dandy! lol xx

04-05-14, 22:03
Hmmm true but still it's sad we can only talk about it online behind a screen , what's communication come to ? Lol aprilmoon funny name lol

---------- Post added at 22:03 ---------- Previous post was at 21:56 ----------

Yes rachy very true your name is a nightmare soooo confusing lol

04-05-14, 22:07
It was just going to be April after the month I was born,but it was taken,so my daughter added the moon bit,but you can just call me April if you want :D

04-05-14, 22:11
Lol I thought it was something to do with something mysterious like angels lol being a man I feel it's harder to express anxiety because I feel most people will just tell me to get on with it which is fair enough but when I feel emotional it has to come out whether it be good or bad , ahhh I hate those emotions that make quueze lol

04-05-14, 22:21
I know.Bottling it up is no good for anyone,that's when the trouble starts.
Its a shame that blokes are treated like this,the "stiff upper lip" and all that rubbish,but to be honest its not all that easy when youre a woman either,people often expect you to keep your emotions in check,and find it hard to talk about feelings.
No wonder there's so much depression around!

04-05-14, 22:25
I always say if you feel something express it because it's there to be expressed or why else would it be there ? Men R treated like that but men are happy to go along with it because it don't go well with the old football image lol x

04-05-14, 22:31
You're right,they don't do themselves any favours there do they?
I just wish mental health problems were better understood, it just doesn't seem to have moved on....people have so many preconceptions, its still hard for people to say they're having problems,and yet its soooo common.


04-05-14, 22:35
I think that's why it is ignored though because if someone admits they have a mental health problem then they'll instantly think about they're own problems so they deny it altogether to avoid facing they're own problems , makes sense. The thing with mental health you can never tell if someone is putting it on as it's become so common that people just it as an excuse to commit horrible crimes etc

05-05-14, 12:18
3 cups of coffee and 1 cup of tea a day is a bad idea for someone with an anxiety problem. Caffeine is a stimulant, it will activate your sympathetic nervous system will bring on all those feelings of high anxiety, which in itself can turn into more anxiety and panic as you've discovered.

Cutting out caffeine should be a fundamental part of treating your anxiety problem, it just doesn't make sense to do something that's going to fuel how you feel. How can you expect to ever feel better if you're drinking that much of a stimulant every day?

You need to ask yourself the question, do you want to continue drinking coffee or do you want to help health your anxiety issues? There are plenty of decaff options to choose from.

05-05-14, 14:41
I haven't had coffee today only 2 tea's and i'm sticking to it :-)

05-05-14, 16:09
Tea also contains caffeine, it can be just as much as a cup of coffee!

05-05-14, 17:11
Yes I know but I don't feel anxious when I drink tea lol don't try and take all my pleasures away what else am I going to dip my chocolate biscuit in lol

05-05-14, 17:49
I know exactly what you mean, not nice to know others are suffering as we know how uncomfortable and sometimes scary it can be but it's nice to know we aren't the only ones, like a sense of normalness so to say

05-05-14, 18:01
Yes I know but I don't feel anxious when I drink tea lol don't try and take all my pleasures away what else am I going to dip my chocolate biscuit in lol

In my mind it was a pretty simple choice, having an anxiety problem took away far more pleasure from my life than giving up caffeine did.

I drink decaff tea now which is just as nice as regular tea. I have the odd cup of caffinated tea when decaff isn't available but I have to accept the fact that it will probably make me feel on edge for a little bit. I don't drink coffee at all, it's not worth it.

When you're stressed stimulants are just so bad for you, and if you're in a bad place then it's recovery 101 to reduce stimulants. It's all about the choices we make in life, what's more important to you.

05-05-14, 18:18
Coffee anyone ? Lol

---------- Post added at 18:18 ---------- Previous post was at 18:17 ----------

I think it's just costa coffee that drives me nuts because they use americano