View Full Version : Propranolol

04-05-14, 21:16
I was wondering if somebody can give me some advice please regarding propranolol, I went to my Drs last week as I've been feeling down for a few weeks now and just came from no where at all, where she done an ECG and also thyroid tests, which came back clear, but my heart was racing, and sweating with it, and also I had bad tremors with this. My chest feels tight,
She prescribed me propranolol 40mg two to be taken twice a day, I haven't taken any yet as I'm worried they might not work or make me worse.
I am also having trouble sleeping at night and waking up roughly 4 times sometimes waking up drenched in sweat. My heart isn't racing at the moment, just sweating, so hence why I've not started the propranolol.
Whatever this is that's happened to me or why, I wouldn't wish on anybody as it can be pretty scary.
I'm not one to take time off work (unless I really have to) but just recently I've had to take a few days off, I think if embarrassed myself at work, due to the outburst of sweating in front of my supervisor.

I've to go back to my Drs for more blood tests this week.
Would gladly like some advice please if anyone can give me regarding these tablets, and if I should start taking them.
Thank you :blush:

04-05-14, 21:26
Are you eating regulary and getting enough calories, or have you been on a diet

05-05-14, 01:16
(not a dr so this isnt medical advice ofc but I am on a high dose of propanlol)
I would honestly try the propanalol - the symptoms you are describing are all treated by the drug, if your worried just try one 40mg a day and gradually increase.

05-05-14, 14:07
Hi, my first reply on here. I've been taking propranolol for about three months and can honestly say I was scared to take them because I did lots of research about them and frazzled my brain!!! I had a racing heart all the time, sweating, dizzy but the symptoms of racing heart has pretty much stopped, only when anxiety is bad. I take 40mg twice a day but my doctor said three times a day but am too scared to take three as I know I'm safe at two. I really put off taking them but they have made a huge difference to the physical symptoms, lots of work to be had on the rest but propranolol is a good starting block. X

05-05-14, 16:15
I was also prescribed these for anxiety and they helped until I got a CBT therapist who worked with me to deal with the causes of the anxiety rather than the symptoms of it. I am very lucky to not need them now.

05-05-14, 17:34
Everyone reacts different but in my experience I didn't like them, they made my anxiety worse, so bad I couldn't leave the house and I just stopped them after 3 weeks, maybe the side effects stop eventually I'm unsure, go with your doctor's advice though, you may be fine on them :) good luck

07-05-14, 05:52
I have been on propranalol for almist 5 yrs and they have been a life saver for me. I started off on 3 a day 40mg now I take them as and when for example if im going out or if my anxiety is high. I would give them a try and see hiw you get on with them

17-05-14, 19:50
Fab advice from you guys...does anyone know if propanalol can cause depression? Know it has it down as a side effect, just wondering if it's common? I have been prescribed it for anxiety whilst my cipralex kicks in and have noticed I feel more down the next day if I have taken it.
Could be a coincidence or the side effects of cipralex.
Thanks guys :)

17-05-14, 21:50
I just started my propranalol yesterday.
I took one tablet and today i took 3. Doctor told me to take 3 a day.
I don't know what will happen, but I'm not scared.

18-05-14, 10:47
This is purely my opinion (deffo not a doctor) I take propranolol and anti-depressants. I've taken my anti-depressants for years... Since I was a teenager, but propranolol for about five months now. I can honestly say I don't feel depressed from taking them and if anything because they have helped for my palpitations I probably feel better about things in general
As not having to battle with the anxiety symptoms. I was scared to take them for weeks as I was worried about the affect but take them everyday now. I've read lots online about beta-blockers and the link with depression and it seems that it's quite a debate as to whether they do or not but I wouldn't look too much into it as from my experience it heightened my anxiety!

22-05-14, 19:06
Thank you ragdoll..I have been taking them as they are so good for my anxiety :)