View Full Version : changing from one anti depressant to another

04-05-14, 21:20
Hi guys, I have been on paroxetine for 15 years but my weight and blood pressure has risen and the docs have tried all types of bp meds and beta blockers to get it down but no luck. I might add before my bp was excellent. Now my doc wants to switch me to another ant depressant uhhhh!

04-05-14, 23:57
Hmmm, it'll be interesting to see what he or she comes up with!
Good luck :flowers:

05-05-14, 21:14
Hi, I have got to do 10mg of paroxetine for 3wks (was on 20mg) on the 2nd week add 10mg of Citalopram then after another 2 weeks stop paroxetine and stay on 10mg of Citalopram . Increase to 20mg of Citalopram if having trouble coping.
I started last Friday 2/5/2014 on 10mg of paroxetine. Saturdays I felt like mites or creepy crawlys running all over my body. Sunday was fine but Sunday night could not sleep was thinking of things from childhood ahh!!. Today Monday very adgitated, lightheaded (not my usual self).
Hope tomorrow is better I will carry on as I don't have much of a choice.
I will update as I go along.

06-05-14, 01:25
Best of luck, Anne! xx
Marie :hugs:

06-05-14, 11:32
Hi, I have got to do 10mg of paroxetine for 3wks (was on 20mg) on the 2nd week add 10mg of Citalopram then after another 2 weeks stop paroxetine and stay on 10mg of Citalopram . Increase to 20mg of Citalopram if having trouble coping.
I started last Friday 2/5/2014 on 10mg of paroxetine. Saturdays I felt like mites or creepy crawlys running all over my body. Sunday was fine but Sunday night could not sleep was thinking of things from childhood ahh!!. Today Monday very adgitated, lightheaded (not my usual self).
Hope tomorrow is better I will carry on as I don't have much of a choice.
I will update as I go along.

I hope the citalopram helps you it helped me for 5 years I had no anxiety whatsoever then being clever I decided very very slowly to wean off and I was fine for about 6 months and then something triggered anxiety YET AGAIN.

I am now on 30mg citalopram and it helps although my anxiety tries to win the battle and sometimes succeeds but now I am going to a psychotherapist who has listened to my problem and has told me she will get rid of most of my anxiety but not all of it.... however, anxiety is a response to something so nobody would wish to be cleared of it all.

I also do meditation and I strongly strongly suggest some sort of exercise for me it is on a running machine 3.30mins walking 1.30 mins gentle running for 30 minutes and it helps it really really helps.

Good luck xxx

06-05-14, 16:22
Best of luck, Anne! xx
Marie :hugs:

Thank you Marie.x

06-05-14, 21:16
Thank you for the advise. I know exercise would help so as from next week I am going power walking with my friend again which I have not done for over a year do to a loss in the family. I had a good sleep last night but felt a bit weird this morning going to town, I had to talk myself around. Everyone has different issues to deal with so good luck with yours.