View Full Version : Bank holiday blues

04-05-14, 21:32
Any form of holiday, bank holiday, christmas, new year etc etc. Always gets me down, it always feels like the whole world is out enjoying themselves and I'm here without any plans again..... sigh.

I doubt I'm alone with this?

Bit of a pointless post I guess, just wish my it was my time to enjoy things again, just not quite there yet :weep:

04-05-14, 21:51
No you're not alone at all with this. This time last year...I was happy and out enjoying myself with friends... this year, I'm stuck inside wondering how the hell I ended up feeling so bad about everything. The fact I could be out enjoying myself but don't feel like I can is the key point here... It sucks big time.. Can't wait to feel like me again :/

04-05-14, 22:01
No you're not alone at all with this. This time last year...I was happy and out enjoying myself with friends... this year, I'm stuck inside wondering how the hell I ended up feeling so bad about everything. The fact I could be out enjoying myself but don't feel like I can is the key point here... It sucks big time.. Can't wait to feel like me again :/

It's just an awful feeling isn't it... desperately wanting to go out and enjoy life but it's tough when you have anxiety. I find it difficult seeing everyone else having fun, you feel like you don't fit in... a loner, I'm only 21 so this should be the most sociable time of my life, there's a lot of pressure!

04-05-14, 22:04
I'm 22, I'm a mummy though, so my completley wild days were gone when I hit 19! lol I'm not so bothered about the 'constant' going out...it's all much the same once you've done it for a while but I miss not enjoying everyday life the most. I struggle to relax and enjoy things I would have enjoyed a year ago. I'm not having a very good few days at the moment..I do this, go round in cycles.. it feels like I'm broken and no-one can fix me at the moment!

04-05-14, 22:23
No I'm not either, just going out on a few ocassions would be great, I have never had a night out yet because of my anxiety... it sucks! Sorry to hear that hun, it does get easier with time so they say, it's normal to have good and bad days in life in general and dealing with anxiety aswell is difficult... not to mention your a mummy too! Don't be too hard on yourself x

04-05-14, 23:08
Hi jayjoe, yeah I know how you feel :)

The rubbish bank holiday TV programmes don't help lol

I didn't realise until a few days ago we were having another bank holiday this weekend, us brits seem to love them :doh:

I'm 21 and have no friends, apart from 1 friend but he's at work a lot so I don't see him much.

I would never go somewhere like a restaurant, cinema etc or any large public place at the moment because of my anxiety and social anxiety, it makes me feel singled out, sad and hopeless.

I assume that many people my age will be out with their friends, especially on a bank holiday. while Im stuck at home as per usual makes me feel so down.

You're not the only one :hugs:

Hope you feel better soon :D

05-05-14, 18:37
I find holidays of any description a pain because it disrupts the normal working day. My shop stills opens as normal whilst the buses run on Sunday service.

It does feel naff when people are enjoying the bank holiday whilst others struggle to, but then we are responsible for our own happiness :)

05-05-14, 21:28
Just want to send out some hugs and best wishes for anyone out there who's had a difficult time over the bank holiday.
Its easy to feel that everyone else is having a wonderful time,and you're missing out,when the chances are, that a lot of people arn't really.
Keep going,chin up,always believe that good times are coming...:hugs:

05-05-14, 21:31
Hi jayjoe,

I think the light evenings don't help either.In the winter there's a tendency to think everyone else is at home watching TV,at least that's how I feel.Know that you're not alone with this ghastly condition my friend.