View Full Version : Head Pressure

04-05-14, 22:43
Just wondering if anyone else gets this symptom.

I have pretty much constant head pressure in varying degrees day by day. Its a horrible feeling, the head just feels, clogged up/blocked with pressure inside it. It does sometimes seem slightly better after a nights sleep. Im not so much anxious about it but more fed up and frustrated with my head feeling so odd and pressured constantly. It feels like if someone could let air out of it like a balloon then it would be a real relief and would feel normal again.

I also get various stabbing pains in the head which I don't know if its related to the pressure or just another symptom. The pains and pressure do often change on moving head or body position so something is definitely going on.

I have been to the doctors about it but as per usual they don't think much of it and just say there not sure what it could be but may be related to the anxiety.

Does anyone else get this? Any tips on getting any sort of relief from it? It may well be anxiety but I don't think it is. I do have low BP so don't know if that may be affecting it.

05-05-14, 09:37
I guess this is not very common then lol

05-05-14, 15:57

Ive just done a post about head pressure and saw this..

Ive got pressure in my nose and my ears feels like theres too much pressure in my head. I also just went really light headed which wasnt pleasent.

Is this a symptom of anxiety? ??

Hope your feeling better

05-05-14, 20:00
Hi I definately get this and I have terrible health anxiety , it feels like my head wants to pop the pressure is constantly over the bridge of my nose and has been for ages now . I worry there is something more to it but my doctor probably wouldn't take any notice of me , I'm always tired also with eyes red and heavy , is this something u suffer with ?

05-05-14, 20:12
Hi I definately get this and I have terrible health anxiety , it feels like my head wants to pop the pressure is constantly over the bridge of my nose and has been for ages now . I worry there is something more to it but my doctor probably wouldn't take any notice of me , I'm always tired also with eyes red and heavy , is this something u suffer with ?

I have pressure on the bridge of my nose sometimes is feels horrendous... must be more common than we think.

05-05-14, 20:23
Yes I actually thought it was just me before I found this site however I still have doubts whether it's something more serious , I also have constant ringing in my ears , I'm sure it all must be anxiety well at least I'm hoping it is

06-05-14, 13:45
Thanks for the replies guys. The pressure I get is not usually over the bridge of the nose etc, this sounds more like a sinus headache. Mine is feels like its inside the skull with a general pressure all over.

06-05-14, 14:06
Could it be muscle tension?

06-05-14, 14:38
Yes I actually thought it was just me before I found this site however I still have doubts whether it's something more serious , I also have constant ringing in my ears , I'm sure it all must be anxiety well at least I'm hoping it is

I hope not.. I always have ringing ears too !!!

07-05-14, 19:10
Could it be muscle tension?

I don't think so

07-05-14, 19:36
I get head pressure so bad sometimes it feels like I'm about to pass out! Like my brain is suffocating or something.
I went through a phase where it affected me constantly, I could even feel my pulse at the base of my nose, right between my eyes, and I would frequently be left with a headache. It was so scary. I found that head position and neck position affected it. If I keep my head straight and don't move my neck much, I don't have many pressure flare-ups.

07-05-14, 20:13
Sure, I get this frequently. I suspect it's connected to my sleep, which is fragmented (I suspect sleep apnea, but would need a sleep study for that confirmation), filled with vivid dreams, frequent occurences of sleep paralysis etc.. Probably connected to my tense neck/back muscles as well, IDK. Considering I had a injury of my nose years ago, my septum is probably deviated now, resulting in frequent blockage as well, so that might be a co-reason as well. I find that exercise helps. Not to mention breathing with diaphragm more, and staying hidrated throughout the day.

07-05-14, 20:29
Sure, I get this frequently. I suspect it's connected to my sleep, which is fragmented (I suspect sleep apnea, but would need a sleep study for that confirmation), filled with vivid dreams, frequent occurences of sleep paralysis etc.. Probably connected to my tense neck/back muscles as well, IDK. Considering I had a injury of my nose years ago, my septum is probably deviated now, resulting in frequent blockage as well, so that might be a co-reason as well. I find that exercise helps. Not to mention breathing with diaphragm more, and staying hidrated throughout the day.

I also had a nose injury a few years back and have a deviated septum so maybe you have a point on that, although it doesn't feel like its related. Also after cardiovascular exercise I do sometimes have some slight relief from it so what we have sounds similar.

Anyone know there blood pressure and resting heart rate here? As from my reading in the past, Low resting heart rate, plus high pulse pressure (the difference in the top and bottom number in blood pressure) can indicaticate/cause intercrianial head pressure. I have low resting heart rate and high pulse pressure so wondering if it may be relevant.

11-05-14, 18:33
Anyone have any thoughts on the pulse pressure thing I mentioned above in the previous post?

I am so fed up with this crap, Im not anxious im just so frustrated and feel horrible and cannot live my life like this.

11-05-14, 22:58
Back to the docs soon, need to get to the bottom of this head pressure.

12-05-14, 02:01
Been visiting this site, but I have to finally comment on this post. I have major head pressure. Mine is primarily concentrated at my temples or forehead, but the pressure is so strong sometimes it seems like my entire head is bloated and sometimes I get "bowling ball" or "heavy head". Recently I started feeling pressure over my nose but I have had scans that show my sinuses are completely clear. When I'm not feeling pressure, I have weird sensations/tingling around the left temple.

My neurologist mentioned that it may be POTS, but I didn't present with tachycardia so she ruled it out. So I'm still at square one...

23-04-15, 17:24
Bringing this old thread up after a really bad time with head pressure at the moment.

I don't know if they are tension headaches or what but they feel so horrible. They are not painful but there's a constant dull feeling with overall pressure and I generally feel unwell with them. I would guess they are mainly caused but underlying stress but that doesn't help my situation. I have decent control over my conscious anxiety but still suffer with this stuff pretty much every day to varying degrees. I literally cannot function when I feel like this.

I am back to the doctors in a minute for the first time ages, must be around 8/9 months since I last went and that wasn't even for anything to do with anxiety or symptom, it was for an injury, so must be over a year for any symptoms, which is good considering I used to be in there every other week with my various symptoms and anxiety. I guess I just don't go anymore as I don't see anything they can do to help anymore. I just feel I have no other options right now so its kind of a last resort.

Anyone managed to get any relief from this sort of headache or have any techniques that helped?

23-04-15, 17:59
Okay guys, I am considered cured by the medical profession so I should not get this, but once you have an anxiety disorder you will always have it. So on days like yesterday when I am just not happy for a number of reasons I can still get the head pain and it does feel like an overinflated ballon in my head blocking thoughts. In reality I think it is blocking thoughts that is causing it. Thoughts have to go somewhere, they do not do well piling up.

---------- Post added at 09:59 ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 ----------

Note, I broke my nose three times. My systolic and diastolic can be quite far apart. This is tension causing the arteries to tighten up. It leaves you with a not well feeling. Eg a span of over a hundred rather than forty. If it is bad I take losartan potassium to bring it down or valium (valium is a good muscle relaxer)
There is an artery that goes up the side of your neck that can give you head pressure if it is restricted also.

23-04-15, 18:19
Davit its funny you say that about the blood pressure reading as I have always believed that may be a reason for my head pressure. My systolic and diastolic are far apart. I have quite low BP but my Systolic BP is usually around the recommended 120 or anywhere down to 100 but my Diastolic is usually down around 40 which is very low meaning there is quite a gap between the numbers. This along with low heart rate can cause inter cranial head pressure.

You would not believe how many times I have mentioned this to the doctor but they never take a blind bit of notice. Obviously when they take my BP in their office im slightly anxious so the numbers are a lot closer as that's what happens when my BP raises.

23-04-15, 19:18
Do you have a murmur, that could cause the span too. A murmur is a valve that doesn't close all the way so blood flows back. Harmless and common after 50. I've has one all my life.

Here they have a machine that takes your BP five times, two minutes apart and the Doctor leaves the room. First and last readings are discarded and the other three averaged, but it still shows the span.

23-04-15, 19:27
No I don't have a murmur as far as I know and never been picked up on any heart tests. I am 26. That sounds like a much more reliable way to measure BP.

23-04-15, 20:44
I have had head pressure twice really bad right in the front of my forehead and eyes and my eyes felt like they would pop out and it caused my vision to be strange . I expereiced both episodes during extremely high instances of stress in my life , some days i feel the pressure in my forehead around my eyes but very slight but enough to make me aware and i have gone on and done something to take my mind off it or just left the room and sat quietly and chilled out and it has gone . My doctor told me stress and anxiety . I made a thread about this and the eye pressure doesn't seem to be something that many if any have experienced . It does worry me a lot and when i pluck up the courage to go to the doctors i am going to ask again , my blood pressure was perfect sitting lying standing also my thryroid sugar ears eyes nose balance so i have to really take my doctors word for it that it is anxiety .