View Full Version : Groin Lymph Nodes

05-05-14, 06:38
Hi everyone.

I've been in a hetero relationship with no infidelity for 3 years. 6 months ago I had burning urination/ejaculation, and ended up getting a week of doxycycline to help, to which it didn't. I then got Cipro, which I took for the course and it cleared everything up.
When I got the burning urination, I ended up getting a fever, chills, etc. for one night.
Long story short, the night of the fever there was a lymph node I noticed in the right groin. I'm not sure if it had been there prior to. This is the first I every voluntarily went looking to see if there were any.
A week later I visited my GP and he said the node wasn't anything to be concerned about, but I had elevated ferritin and liver enzymes.

He sent to a gastroenterologist doctor.

After testing my blood at the gastro, I was negative for all hepatitis, and was positive for mono. Thinking back, I did get oral sex from my girlfriend (of 3 years), and she unknowingly had an oral cold sore that she noticed the next morning (Neither have ever had genital herpes). So I wonder if this may have led to the said problems of the node and the burning urination. Although now thinking about it, the antibiotics wouldn't have helped if it was the herpes virus form a coldsore, because its a virus....

Fast forward 6 months later (today), that node is still there. I don't think it is any bigger, and I don't think it is any smaller. I don't even know if it is considered enlarged. It feels like an almond size, in the right groin crease (between the leg and pubic area) at about the level my penis starts.

I did well leaving it alone for weeks, but I'm worried again, because a few days ago, find a pea sized node that I haven't noticed right above the almond node I can feel. I've been poking them over the couple days, and they mobile, but I am freaking out that I can feel the new pea size one. They are now a little bigger over the last couple days. And no I don't have an infection anywhere (that I can see). I am asymptomatic. I also eat well, and weight train/cardio religiously.

So my GP said he couldn't feel the almond one back in nov/dec, but he wasn't very concerned, and after me specifically asking for a mono test he refused to. Long story short he is no longer my GP. I also had the gastro doctor feel around the lymph node and he wasn't concerned.

I haven't been back to either yet to discuss the new node i feel by the other one, but I will be to the gastro doc here in the next month.

I feel like I'm not making sense, but am I over reacting? This whole ordeal has led me to continuous anxiety!