View Full Version : 6 months in, my journey

05-05-14, 08:10
Hi all, I hope you are doing ok.

Believe it or not, it's been 6 months or so since I started my current Cit programme so I thought it might be useful to jot a few thoughts down about my journey.

Side effects are pretty much non-existent now, I know this is a big worry for anyone when starting on Cit. I do suffer a bit with forgetfulness but I think I had that anyway!

So, how do I feel? In truth, a lot better. But I still have good days and bad days. I don't look too far ahead anymore - I used to plan everything and now I am a lot more spontaneous.

I also don't worry constantly about upsetting people. I used to worry about people close to me, the news, my work, my car, my house...my everything. Now I am a bit more que sera, sera.

Cit is not the definitive answer to your issues. Sure it is the catalyst and a big crutch in times of trouble BUT you need to help yourself too. Self-CBT really helped me as did talking to people and NMP - this site is like a very good friend to me :)

My issues were so bad that I was the centre of my universe and I forgot about other people in my life. I am not a selfish person but you can become self-obsessed and to be honest having been thru it I do understand. I love being around people and helping them and I kind of lost that on the way.

Don't expect resolution overnight. You will have good days and bad days, your demons will come and they will go. I now have many more better days than bad but I look at it that even people who are 'well' have crappy days too.

Don't try too hard. Get out there with your kids. Get yourself down the park. Enjoy the simple things in life, a good meal, a nice glass of wine. Help people out. Do one good thing for a stranger every day. Make your partner a good morning cuppa in the morning. Take her some flowers home. Buy your mate their fave candy bar. Go and see an elderly relative. Have a father and son day. The list is endless. There are so many things in life that can make you feel better.

My journey has been hard and is still a bit of a struggle. But have a look around you and appreciate what you have. Life really is a roller coaster and a bit of a battle sometimes but I do feel in a better place now to deal with it.

My very best to you all, if you need a friendly piece of advice please PM me.

05-05-14, 16:09
Great post Marty,

take care,


05-05-14, 17:33
Great to read something positive! :)

05-05-14, 18:11
So happy you are doing well Marty...Thanks for all the encouragement you give to us newbies..debbie:hugs:

05-05-14, 23:08
Keep going guys xxx

06-05-14, 00:34
Great post Marty! Nail/Head! Top post. Good luck pal sounds like your doing well.👍

06-05-14, 07:28
All good wishes from me too, Marty. I'd say you've cracked it :D

Lisa x

06-05-14, 10:51
I keep reminding myself about the good days and bad days thing,its easy to think that there's something wrong if you have some blips.