View Full Version : Scared please help

05-05-14, 08:25
Have been constantly testing blood pressure with wrist monitor on both wrists and now have pins and needles in fingers since last night. Scared I have caused permanent nerve damage in wrists . Please advise can't cope. Due to have minor op tomorrow. What if the damage won't get better.

05-05-14, 08:39
You will be fine, I promise. It is very very unlikely a medical device such as a blood pressure monitor will cause long lasting damage, your body's pretty sturdy. Talk to your doctors before the operation tomorrow if it's not getting better, but localised pins and needles, especially after a cause such as frequently using a wrist monitor, don't tend to stay.
Take care xxxx

05-05-14, 10:12
I dont think you ahve done any permanent damage and wouldnt worry about it. However, I have a bit of an "obsession" about checking my BP. I have one of the cuffs that goes on your arm. I check maybe 5 or 6 times a day and if it isnt the "right" reading that I am happy with, I keep checking!! Anyway, I have been having such a sore left arm, on teh muscle.....funnily enough where the cuff goes. The constant squeezing has clearly hurt my arm....now I check it once, at night and only if I remember,

05-05-14, 12:23
Thank you for your replies. Still so scared of permanent damage. Still got pins and needles.

05-05-14, 20:23
sorry to post again. Pins and needlesnerves or blood vessels. Will make gpappointment still bad. Have i damaged nerves or blood vessels. Scared i will die i will die tomorrow .

05-05-14, 20:37
It's probably because yr thinking about it , I had my little finger the same yesterday and all day I thought it was start of a stroke , the more I thought about it the worse it got but after a nights sleep it's gone today and I no longer feel like I'm going to die every minute . I know what yr going through its horrible but it will pass and u won't die tomorrow

07-05-14, 21:16
Still getting pins and needles in fingers . Trying to be rational and hope that it will go,still so scared I have per entry damaged nerves in wrists because of overuse of wrist bp monitor.
Have had carpal tunnel syndrome in the past, maybe I've started that of agin..

07-05-14, 21:25
My fingers go really tingly and prickly when I'm worried, maybe this is why yours are prickling?

08-05-14, 14:54
Sorry to keep posting.pins and needles really bad today, so scared this is permanent.will go to go if it doesn't get better.I've ruined my hands..

08-05-14, 15:12
I work at a hospital, where they check vitals (inc blood pressure) pretty often ... at least 3-5x per day or more depending on condition. The machines are designed to not cut off your circulation or hurt you because they would be inaccurate that way as well.

08-05-14, 15:20
Thank you
It was a wrist bp monitor and I must of checked it about 50 times in a day.
So scared I've caused permanent damage.

08-05-14, 15:26
Then call your doctor and set an appointment for reassurance.

As all have said, it's highly unlikely any damage was done and you've stated you have a history of carpel tunnel. Thinking about it will certainly exasperate the issue as anxiety causes symptoms as you describe. As has been mentioned, more concerning is the constant checking.

Positive thoughts

08-05-14, 15:30
I really am trying to be rational. Have booked go appointment for tomorrow.need help with my anxiety.