View Full Version : Help a Required

05-05-14, 11:31

As some of you may be aware, I am currently in a situation at work where I am under investigation for comments which appeared on my FB wall.

Since then, I have suffered with health/anxiety issues. I am pleased to report I am on the mend, now.

However, I am still having some issues with work.

When I went to see the union, some weeks ago, they told me that I could return temporarily and collect a potential pay off if redundancy opened up again or I could hand in my letter of resignation.

I would be willing to return to work on a temporary basis if the payoff could be guaranteed. However it is not.

The only other option available to me is to hand in my letter of resignation as I have lost all faith in my workplace, now. I really have no intention of returning unless I absolutely had to.

My leave year has just started again so could I use any leave I had left to cover any notice and how much notice would I need to give? I have been there for ten+'years, just short of eleven.

Also I am still currently suffering with a medical condition (anal fissure), so it's not like I could return full time, just yet, as the condition is very debilitating.

Work and the union have been very lacklustre in their responses to me or keeping me informed etc. and as my sick leave runs out this week. Obviously I am very concerned. I want to see my GP and explain this to them, but I also need to discuss this with work/union but they have not been cooperative. Any advice much welcomed.

Please feel free to PM me as well because I am not happy.
