View Full Version : Coming off Fluoxetine/anti-depressantes suffering bad affects

05-05-14, 11:35
Hi guys,
Has anyone gradually come off Fluoxetine and suffered bad affects? I was told by my Dr to gradually reduce them and towards the end introduce a replacement namely Mirtazapine; I have been so bad on anti-depressants I have now decided that I am now down to minimal dose of 20mg and i am not going to introduce the Mirtazapine but instead concentrate on my 1-1 CBT therapy and see how i go. I feel better without meds than with generally to be honest and these have changed my mood whilst reducing them to becoming confused, angry and moody to the point it has almost cost me my marriage of 12 years. My question is guys, has anyone else experienced bad affects when coming off Fluoxetine or indeed any other similar drug and if so I would be so grateful for your comments?
Thank you.

05-05-14, 17:20
Hi, hunni, sorry to hear about all the bad when you've only been trying to improve yourself. ... I got brain zaps coming off of Zoloft (sertraline), but I think that is pretty much standard across the board. This went on occasionally for months, actually, but once I knew it was normal I was okay with it. I had really appreciated how they stopped the negative thinking, but needed to feel in touch again with the feelings of others, and to experience joy. Several years later and my depression has resurfaced badly (turns out it is SAD and so will require ongoing treatment.) I am trying a different antidepressant now, so far so good. Good luck with the therapy, and putting your life back on track! xx