View Full Version : long lasting obsessional thought

05-05-14, 11:40
I'm really worried because had an obsessional thought since my daughter who is now 3 was 9 months, I have been on setraline but the lowest dose for 2 years but the thought was still there. The dr put me on 20mg of citalopram last wed and so far I have not slept and been sick a lot. Has anyone else had a thought for this long? Makes no sense cos I know the answer to my thought but my head keeps saying I'm wrong and something bad will happen. It has affected my bond with my daughter and everything and I needed to bond with her cos my son was always closer to his dad and upsets me cos my daughter now is cos of this thought.

Sorry for going on but could really use some help please. :weep:

05-05-14, 17:24
Hi, Sarah. Wondering why the doctor didn't increase the sertraline? I must say I really did find it effective for stopping the obsessional thoughts, and they were really stubborn! Can you talk to your doctor again and ask about an increase? xx

05-05-14, 17:56
Hi, hope you're well, pills and meds won't change your thought process hence why you still have this thought, therapies or self help stuff are the usual tools for changing thoughts etc, have a look online about changing thinking and CBT

07-05-14, 08:57
Thanks for your replies. I came off sertraline myself after christmas and the dr asked me which meds had worked.best before and i told him citalopram but now not sure. Because i have had this thought so long i keep thinking i need hospital now. My mum.commited suicide in 2009 and she had been in hospital so.obviously this is not always the answer. Im worried its too late for cbt ( which i.have had in the past) and self help. Thanks again.