View Full Version : Chlomipramine withdrawal?

05-05-14, 16:28
Hi all,
I am new. I have had OCD, ADD, depression and anxiety for 30 plus years.

Anyone come off Chlomipramine/Anafranil and had 'electric shock' type symptoms?

Due to a production/delivery issue I have not been able to get any so decided to come off them, rather than change to another drug, after 20 years.

I can't find any references to the symptoms I am having however.

05-05-14, 17:45
Hi, Chessgirl! :welcome: Electric shock feelings are pretty standard across the board when coming off our meds. Other symptoms may occur. A quick check I just did on your med's warnings states what I expected to see: "Do not stop using this medicine suddenly. Your doctor will need to slowly decrease your dose before you stop it completely." Glad you checked in here. Hope you see a physician right away, and good luck. Come back online and let us know how you're doing! xx

05-05-14, 20:02
O.o you need to come off that drug really slowly as it can cause discontinuation syndrome (anxiety, insomnia, headache, nausea, malaise, or motor disturbance) doing it suddenly- please go to your gp x