View Full Version : Struggling again

05-05-14, 16:49
Hi everyone hope your bank holiday going well , I'm struggling today last Thursday I woke with pains in my left lower stomach ovary area, I didn't panic . 3 days later it's still here and now I'm panicking , I had exactly the same symptoms last year in may coincidence maybe ! Doc sent me for a scan which is clear , the pains back 1 year on and in worried it's ovarian cancer all over again , also probs not connected but my mouths incredibly dry , no Thirsty just dry , I'm not on any meds !! Should I visit the docs ? I get so embarassed as the doctor gets annoyed with me I havnt been for about 10/11 weeks so is it ok to visit ?
Thanks everyone x

05-05-14, 17:20
Hey, don't ever feel embarrassed to go the docs that what they are there for and they also get paid a lot for it ;) Book yourself an appointment tomorrow to put your mind at rest more than anything else.

05-05-14, 17:31
Thanks think I'll go tomorrow , surely 10 mins feeling embarassed is better than days of constant panic x

05-05-14, 17:34
Exactly! You don't want to spend another day stewing over things that probably aren't there.

05-05-14, 17:53
Don't feel embarrassed at all! We've all been there, I thought my doctor was going to charge me rent at one point I was there so much, the dry mouth is definitely a symptom if anxiety, so is stomach pains etc, if you're genuinely worried and can't say it's "just anxiety" then by all means go and get it checked out, it'll be nothing.. hopefully and you can relax, go get peace of mind :)

05-05-14, 18:18
Thanks all , hopefully everything will go ok :-( x