View Full Version : Sad now - why does this always happen to me?

07-12-06, 03:47
Hey guys

Those of you who have read my last few posts will know about this but i heard today from my mom that the other guy who was vying for Lucys' affections ( q girl i am interested in) has gotten somewhere. Why does this always happen to me? The panic i have had has held me back from doing pretty much anything the last few years, let alone approach and chat to girls so when i actually do do it and get somewhere with the girl i think feeling attracted to me aswell, some other guy come along and takes it away.

Any confidence i managed to build up has gone now as life has treated me the way it usually does with the opposite sex and slapped me in the face.

I just so badly want to love somebody and have someone to love me too! I feel that may be the key to me living a much happier life in general.

Afew months ago i was scared to put bags out for the binman and Saturday gone i went to the busiest bar and club strip in Birmingham (with thousands of people) and all that for nothing, i never got the girl i was interested in.

Now this Steve and Lucy thing is in its early days but he has got further than me.

I heard from my mom yesterday that from what she could establish that night at the xmas do, when i went over to Lucy to chat she seemed interested in chatting. Next to her was another 20 year old girl, a colleague of hers called Ruth and she was really bubbly. After afew mins chatting to Lucy she went to the toilet and so in her absence i simply introduced myself to Ruth and started to chat with her. At the time, Ruth wasnt chatting to anyone and neither was i and we were sat in quite close proximity and so to not talk at all would have looked rude i think. So i started to chat with her and from what my mom saw, when Lucy came back from the toilet she looked like she was put out a little and that she was somewhat disappointed that i was chatting to another girl. Apparently it was a look my mom says that only a girl can give to another girl when they feel a little jealous.

Let me first explain the set up of how people know each other at my moms work. My mom works wih Lesley (Steve's mom) Kayleigh (Lucys cousin), Lorraine (Kayleighs mom) aswell as many others. Steve used to work at the post office but no longer does and has never actuially worked at the Post Office when Lucy has been working there. Lucy only works on Saturdays. Apparently Steve saw Lucy at one previous work do and asked Kayleigh for her cousins mobile number and then texted her, for which she was ok with as they seem to have hit it off.

Before my mom left work today, one of moms colleagues asked Lesley (Steves mom) if Steve enjoyed himself at the xmas do and had that look, you know, when they are really saying did he have fun and get anywhere with Lucy kind of look. Lesley said yes he had a great time. Then my mom, trying to find info out for me pretended she didnt hear that and asked that colleague again what she said, at which point she tried to change subjects quick and quickly went over to Lesley to talk about it preoperly. Obviously someone somewhere at somepoint has said to one another that i also liked Lucy and so they had to quickly change tack when my mom tried to get in on the conversation.

Guys, I have only met this girl once but she seems a really cool girl and im more than interested in contacting her and i would say that i shouldnt because i dont wanna step on Steve's shoes and then the other little voice (the devil on my other shoulder) tells me to still pursue what could be a chance and forget about Steve. I don't feel totally agaianst the latter as this is exactly the way i have let girls in the past go, when i have waited back and let another guy scoop the girl off their feet!

I just want my chance to be loved and to love! If not that, at least show this girl what kind of guy i am :) I kind of feel that if i dont do atleast that i wouldnt have done my own self justice.

Guys is there a way i can subtly but confidently get Lucy to consider going out with me?

Ladies this question is for you especially, say y

07-12-06, 08:06
In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong in asking lucy out. It she who has to make a choice, not you. Whatever she does or says, you will have to accept it. Its can be very hard, if the results are negative, you can potentially feel hurt and broken. But take it easy. If she says no, remember it doesnt reflect anything on you. You are a wonderful person, it just means, you have to wait much longer, before finding the person in your life.

Also remember, finding a partner is not a solution to anxiety or any problems at all. So dont become very dependant on your partner, even when you find one. Just let the relationship blosom on itself with time. relationships that develops slowley in longer run are stronger than short term highly dependant relationships....


07-12-06, 10:36
Hi Dave I would ask Lucy out on a date,she can then make her own mind up.Go for it.[Yeah!];)

Ellen XX

07-12-06, 11:14
Are you confident enough to ask her out to the pub on Saturday? If you are then do it, but if she says no then I'd leave it at that (if she is even an iota interested, she'll say yes).
You sound desperate for love, which is understandable but could actually be the thing that is stopping you finding it, if that makes sense. Good luck.

Nel xxx

07-12-06, 11:41
Hi dave

I would say to try and be relaxed about finding love. The more you think and worry about it the worse you will make your anxiety.

I would say - just go for it - ask her out and then whatever decision she makes - accept it.

I would also say - just be yourself - dont try and be someone you are not to impress - we like guys to be open and honest.

Good luck dave - just go for it - you have nothing to lose.


........life is for living not just for surviving

07-12-06, 12:23
heya dave,
firstly ur worryin to much about this babe... ur makin it into a huge deal... I know u find it hard etc but u not helpin uself!!!
Theres nothin like a challenge wen it comes to love... so this other guy is in the pic.. get him out of it!!!
Now get down there and ask her out for a drink down the local and just go for it... or its gonno become a mental block 4 u!!!!

07-12-06, 13:17
cDAVE, you are going round in circles mate , she is obviously worth fighting for so ask her out.IT IS BETTER TO HAVE LOVED AND LOST THAN NEVER TO HAVE LOVED AT ALL. Can,t really offer any other advice, just do it you will , and already , regret it. Take are .lorraine.

12-12-06, 13:31
Hi Dave,
Did you manage to ask lucy out? If you have you deserve to celebrate my friend. You cooked up the confidence to "DO IT"...

Dont bother how things turn out, but do celebrate and be very happy to actually go "DO IT"...
